Source code for xalpha.toolbox

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
modules for Object oriented toolbox which wrappers get_daily and some more

import re
import sys
import datetime as dt
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from collections import deque
from functools import wraps, lru_cache
import logging
from scipy import stats
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup

from xalpha.cons import (
from import get_fund_holdings
from xalpha.universal import (
import xalpha.universal as xu  ## 为了 set_backend 可以动态改变此模块的 get_daily
from xalpha.exceptions import ParserFailure, DateMismatch, NonAccurate

thismodule = sys.modules[__name__]

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]def _set_holdings(module): for name in [ "no_trading_days", "holdings", "currency_info", "market_info", "futures_info", "alt_info", "gap_info", ]: setattr(thismodule, name, getattr(module, name, {}))
[docs]def set_holdings(module=None): """ 导入外部 数据文件用来预测基金净值 :param module: mod. import holdings :return: None. """ if not module: try: from xalpha import holdings _set_holdings(holdings) print(" is found and loaded within xalpha dir") except ImportError: # print("no is found") # may cause confusing for general users from xalpha import cons _set_holdings(cons) else: _set_holdings(module) print("external is loaded")
[docs]def _set_display_notebook(): """ Initialize DataTable mode for pandas DataFrame represenation. """ from IPython.core.display import display, Javascript display( Javascript( """ require.config({ paths: { DT: '//', } }); $('head').append('<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="//">'); $('head').append('<style> td, th {{text-align: center;}}</style>') """ ) ) def _repr_datatable_(self): # create table DOM script = f"$(element).html(`{self.to_html(index=False)}`);\n" # execute jQuery to turn table into DataTable script += """ require(["DT"], function(DT) {$(document).ready( () => { // Turn existing table into datatable $(element).find("table.dataframe").DataTable({'scrollX': '100%'}); }) }); """ return script pd.DataFrame._repr_javascript_ = _repr_datatable_
[docs]def set_display(env=""): """ 开关 DataFrame 的显示模式,仅 Jupyter Notebook 有效。 :param env: str, default "". If env="notebook", pd.DataFrame will be shown in fantastic web language :return: """ if not env: try: delattr(pd.DataFrame, "_repr_javascript_") except AttributeError: pass elif env in ["notebook", "jupyter", "ipython"]: _set_display_notebook() else: raise ParserFailure("unknown env %s" % env)
[docs]def PEBHistory(code, start=None, end=None): """ 历史估值分析工具箱 :param code: str. 1. SH000***, SZ399***, 指数历史估值情况,第一原理计算,需要聚宽数据源 2. F******, 基金历史估值情况,根据股票持仓,第一原理计算 3. 8*****, 申万行业估值数据,需要聚宽数据源 4. 沪深港美股票代码,个股历史估值数据 :param start: str, %Y%m%d, 默认起点随着标的类型不同而不同 :param end: str, 仅限于 debug,强烈不建议设定,默认到昨天 :return: some object of PEBHistory class """ if code.startswith("SH000") or code.startswith("SZ399"): return IndexPEBHistory(code, start, end) elif code.startswith("F"): return FundPEBHistory(code, start, end) elif code.startswith("8"): return SWPEBHistory(code, start, end) else: return StockPEBHistory(code, start, end)
[docs]class IndexPEBHistory: """ 对于指数历史 PE PB 的封装类 """ indexs = { "000016.XSHG": ("上证50", "2012-01-01"), "000300.XSHG": ("沪深300", "2012-01-01"), "000905.XSHG": ("中证500", "2012-01-01"), "000922.XSHG": ("中证红利", "2012-01-01"), "000925.XSHG": ("基本面50", "2012-01-01"), "399006.XSHE": ("创业板指", "2012-01-01"), "000992.XSHG": ("全指金融", "2012-01-01"), "000991.XSHG": ("全指医药", "2012-01-01"), "399932.XSHE": ("中证消费", "2012-01-01"), "000831.XSHG": ("500低波", "2013-01-01"), "000827.XSHG": ("中证环保", "2013-01-01"), "000978.XSHG": ("医药100", "2012-01-01"), "399324.XSHE": ("深证红利", "2012-01-01"), "399971.XSHE": ("中证传媒", "2014-07-01"), "000807.XSHG": ("食品饮料", "2013-01-01"), "000931.XSHG": ("中证可选", "2012-01-01"), "399812.XSHE": ("养老产业", "2016-01-01"), "000852.XSHG": ("中证1000", "2015-01-01"), } # 聚宽数据源支持的指数列表:
[docs] def __init__(self, code, start=None, end=None): """ :param code: str. 形式可以是 399971.XSHE 或者 SH000931 :param start: Optional[str]. %Y-%m-%d, 估值历史计算的起始日。 :param end: Dont use, only for debug """ yesterday_str = ( - dt.timedelta(days=1)).strftime("%Y-%m-%d") if len(code.split(".")) == 2: self.code = code self.scode = _convert_code(code) else: self.scode = code self.code = _inverse_convert_code(self.scode) if self.code in self.indexs: = self.indexs[self.code][0] if not start: start = self.indexs[self.code][1] else: try: = get_rt(self.scode)["name"] except: = self.scode if not start: start = "2012-01-01" # 可能会出问题,对应指数还未有数据 self.start = start if not end: end = yesterday_str self.df = xu.get_daily("peb-" + self.scode, start=self.start, end=end) self.ratio = None self.title = "指数" self._gen_percentile()
[docs] def _gen_percentile(self): self.pep = [ round(i, 3) for i in np.nanpercentile(, np.arange(0, 110, 10)) ] try: self.pbp = [ round(i, 3) for i in np.nanpercentile(self.df.pb, np.arange(0, 110, 10)) ] except TypeError: df = self.df.fillna(1) self.pbp = [ round(i, 3) for i in np.nanpercentile(df.pb, np.arange(0, 110, 10)) ]
[docs] def percentile(self): """ 打印 PE PB 的历史十分位对应值 :return: """ print("PE 历史分位:\n") print(*zip(np.arange(0, 110, 10), self.pep), sep="\n") print("\nPB 历史分位:\n") print(*zip(np.arange(0, 110, 10), self.pbp), sep="\n")
[docs] def v(self, y="pe"): """ pe 或 pb 历史可视化 :param y: Optional[str]. "pe" (defualt) or "pb" :return: """ return self.df.plot(x="date", y=y)
[docs] def fluctuation(self): if not self.ratio: d = self.df.iloc[-1]["date"] oprice = xu.get_daily( code=self.scode, end=d.strftime("%Y%m%d"), prev=20 ).iloc[-1]["close"] nprice = get_rt(self.scode)["current"] self.ratio = nprice / oprice return self.ratio
[docs] def current(self, y="pe"): """ 返回实时的 pe 或 pb 绝对值估计。 :param y: Optional[str]. "pe" (defualt) or "pb" :return: float. """ try: return round(self.df.iloc[-1][y] * self.fluctuation(), 3) except TypeError: return np.nan
[docs] def current_percentile(self, y="pe"): """ 返回实时的 pe 或 pb 历史百分位估计 :param y: Optional[str]. "pe" (defualt) or "pb" :return: float. """ df = self.df d = len(df) u = len(df[df[y] < self.current(y)]) return round(u / d * 100, 2)
[docs] def summary(self, return_tuple=False): """ 打印现在估值的全部分析信息。 :return: """ result = ( ( self.current("pe"), self.current_percentile("pe"), max( round( (self.current("pe") - self.pep[0]) / self.current("pe") * 100, 1 ), 0, ), ), ( self.current("pb"), self.current_percentile("pb"), max( round( (self.current("pb") - self.pbp[0]) / self.current("pb") * 100, 1 ), 0, ), ), ) print("%s%s估值情况\n" % (self.title, # if dt.datetime.strptime(self.start, "%Y-%m-%d") > dt.datetime(2015, 1, 1): # print("(历史数据较少,仅供参考)\n") print("现在 PE 绝对值 %s, 相对分位 %s%%,距离最低点 %s %%\n" % result[0]) print("现在 PB 绝对值 %s, 相对分位 %s%%,距离最低点 %s %%\n" % result[1]) if return_tuple: return result
[docs]class StockPEBHistory(IndexPEBHistory): """ 个股历史估值封装 """
[docs] def __init__(self, code, start=None, end=None): """ :param code: 801180 申万行业指数 :param start: :param end: """ self.code = code self.scode = code if not end: end = ( - dt.timedelta(days=1)).strftime("%Y-%m-%d") if not start: start = "2012-01-01" self.start = start self.df = xu.get_daily("peb-" + code, start=start, end=end) = get_rt(code)["name"] self.ratio = 1 self.title = "个股" self._gen_percentile()
[docs]class FundPEBHistory(IndexPEBHistory): """ 基金历史估值封装 """
[docs] def __init__(self, code, start=None, end=None): self.code = code self.scode = code if not end: end = ( - dt.timedelta(days=1)).strftime("%Y-%m-%d") if not start: start = "2016-01-01" # 基金历史通常比较短 self.start = start self.df = xu.get_daily("peb-" + code, start=start, end=end) = get_rt(code)["name"] self.title = "基金" self.ratio = None self._gen_percentile()
[docs]class SWPEBHistory(IndexPEBHistory): """ 申万行业历史估值封装。 申万一级行业指数列表: 二三级行业指数也支持 """ index1 = [ "801740", "801020", "801110", "801200", "801160", "801010", "801120", "801230", "801750", "801050", "801890", "801170", "801710", "801130", "801180", "801760", "801040", "801780", "801880", "801140", "801720", "801080", "801790", "801030", "801730", "801210", "801770", "801150", ]
[docs] def __init__(self, code, start=None, end=None): """ :param code: 801180 申万行业指数 :param start: :param end: """ self.code = code self.scode = code if not end: end = ( - dt.timedelta(days=1)).strftime("%Y-%m-%d") if not start: start = "2012-01-01" self.start = start self.df = xu.get_daily("sw-" + code, start=start, end=end) = self.df.iloc[0]["name"] self.ratio = 1 self.title = "申万行业指数" self._gen_percentile()
[docs]class TEBHistory: """ 指数总盈利和总净资产变化的分析工具箱 """
[docs] def __init__(self, code, start=None, end=None): """ :param code: str. 指数代码,eg. SH000016 :param start: :param end: """ df = xu.get_daily("teb-" + code, start=start, end=end) df["e"] = pd.to_numeric(df["e"]) df["b"] = pd.to_numeric(df["b"]) df["lnb"] = df["b"].apply(lambda s: np.log(s)) df["lne"] = df["e"].apply(lambda s: np.log(s)) df["roe"] = df["e"] / df["b"] * 100 df["date_count"] = (df["date"] - df["date"].iloc[0]).apply( lambda s: int(s.days) ) self.df = df
[docs] def fit(self, verbose=True): """ fit exponential trying find annualized increase :param verbose: if True (default), print debug info of linear regression :return: """ df = self.df slope_b, intercept_b, r_b, p_b, std_err_b = stats.linregress( df["date_count"], df["lnb"] ) slope_e, intercept_e, r_e, p_e, std_err_e = stats.linregress( df["date_count"], df["lne"] ) if verbose: print("B fit", slope_b, intercept_b, r_b, p_b, std_err_b) print("E fit", slope_e, intercept_e, r_e, p_e, std_err_e) self.slope_b = slope_b self.intercept_b = intercept_b self.slope_e = slope_e self.intercept_e = intercept_e
[docs] def result(self): """ :return: Dict[str, float]. 返回指数总净资产和净利润的年均增速 (拟合平滑意义,而非期末除以期初再开方,更好减少时间段两端极端情形的干扰) """ return { "b_increase_percent": round((np.exp(365 * self.slope_b) - 1) * 100, 2), "e_increase_percent": round((np.exp(365 * self.slope_e) - 1) * 100, 2), }
[docs] def v(self, y="lne"): """ 总资产或总利润与拟合曲线的可视化 :param y: str. one of lne, lnb, e, b, roe :return: """ df = self.df if y == "roe": return df.plot(x="date", y="roe") fitx = np.arange(0, df.iloc[-1]["date_count"], 10) if y == "lne": fity = self.intercept_e + self.slope_e * fitx elif y == "lnb": fity = self.intercept_b + self.slope_b * fitx elif y == "e": fity = np.exp(self.intercept_e + self.slope_e * fitx) elif y == "b": fity = np.exp(self.intercept_b + self.slope_b * fitx) else: raise ParserFailure("Unrecogized y %s" % y) ax = df.plot(x="date_count", y=y) ax.plot(fitx, fity) return ax
[docs]class Compare: """ 将不同金融产品同起点归一化比较 """
[docs] def __init__( self, *codes, start="20200101", end=yesterday(), col="close", normalize=True ): """ :param codes: Union[str, tuple], 格式与 :func:`xalpha.universal.get_daily` 相同,若需要汇率转换,需要用 tuple,第二个元素形如 "USD" :param start: %Y%m%d :param end: %Y%m%d, default yesterday :param col: str, default close. The column to be compared. :param normalize: bool, default True. 是否将对比价格按起点时间归一。 """ totdf = pd.DataFrame() codelist = [] for c in codes: if isinstance(c, tuple): code = c[0] currency = c[1] else: code = c currency = "CNY" # 标的不做汇率调整 codelist.append(code) df = xu.get_daily(code, start=start, end=end) df = df[] currency_code = _get_currency_code(currency) if currency_code: cdf = xu.get_daily(currency_code, start=start, end=end) cdf = cdf[cdf["date"].isin(opendate)] df = df.merge(right=cdf, on="date", suffixes=("_x", "_y")) df[col] = df[col + "_x"] * df[col + "_y"] if normalize: df[code] = df[col] / df.iloc[0][col] else: df[code] = df[col] df = df.reset_index() df = df[["date", code]] if "date" not in totdf.columns: totdf = df else: totdf = totdf.merge(on="date", right=df) self.totdf = totdf = codelist
[docs] def v(self): """ 显示日线可视化 :return: """ return self.totdf.plot(x="date",
[docs] def corr(self): """ 打印相关系数矩阵 :return: pd.DataFrame """ return self.totdf.iloc[:, 1:].pct_change().corr()
[docs]class OverPriced: """ ETF 或 LOF 历史折溢价情况分析 """
[docs] def __init__(self, code, start=None, end=None, prev=None): """ :param code: str. eg SH501018, SZ160416 :param start: date range format is the same as xa.get_daily :param end: :param prev: """ self.code = code df1 = xu.get_daily("F" + self.code[2:], start=start, end=end, prev=prev) df2 = xu.get_daily(self.code, start=start, end=end, prev=prev) df1 = df1.merge(df2, on="date", suffixes=("_F", "_" + code[:2])) df1["diff_rate"] = ( (df1["close_" + code[:2]] - df1["close_F"]) / df1["close_F"] * 100 ) self.df = df1
[docs] def v(self, hline=None): """ :param hline: Union[float, List[float]], several horizental lines for assistance :return: """ ax = self.df.plot(x="date", y="diff_rate") if hline: if isinstance(hline, float): ax.axhline(hline, c="red") else: for h in hline: ax.axhline(h, c="red") return ax
######################### # cb value estimation # #########################
[docs]def BlackScholes(S, K, t, v, r=0.02, CallPutFlag="C"): """ BS option pricing calculator :param S: current stock price :param K: stricking price :param t: Time until option exercise (years to maturity) :param r: risk-free interest rate (by year) :param v: Variance(volitility) of annual increase :param CallPutFlag: "C" or "P", default call option :return: """ # function modified from def CND(X): return stats.norm.cdf(X) d1 = (np.log(S / K) + (r + (v ** 2) / 2) * t) / (v * np.sqrt(t)) d2 = d1 - v * np.sqrt(t) if CallPutFlag in ["c", "C"]: return S * CND(d1) - K * np.exp(-r * t) * CND(d2) # call option elif CallPutFlag in ["p", "P"]: return K * np.exp(-r * t) * CND(-d2) - S * CND(-d1) # put option else: raise ValueError("Unknown CallPutFlag %s" % CallPutFlag)
[docs]def cb_bond_value(issue_date, rlist, rate=0.03, date=None, tax=1.0): """ 可转债债券价值计算器 :param issue_date: str. 发行日期 :param rlist: List[float], 每年度的利息百分点,比如 0.4,0.6等,最后加上最后返回的值(不含最后一年利息),比如 104 :param rate: float,现金流折算利率,应取同久期同信用等级的企业债利率,参考 :param date: 默认今天,计算债券价值基于的时间 :param tax: float,税率,1.0 表示不算税后,0.8 为计算税后利息,一般不需要设置成0.8,因为区别不大 :return: """ if rlist[-1] < 100: logger.warning( "the format of rlist must contain the final return more than 100 without interest of that year" ) issue_date = issue_date.replace("-", "").replace("/", "") issue_date_obj = dt.datetime.strptime(issue_date, "%Y%m%d") if date is None: date_obj = else: date = date.replace("-", "").replace("/", "") date_obj = dt.datetime.strptime(date, "%Y%m%d") cf = [(date_obj, 0)] passed = (date_obj - issue_date_obj).days // 365 for i, r in enumerate(rlist[:-1]): if i >= passed: cf.append((issue_date_obj + dt.timedelta(days=(i + 1) * 365), r * tax)) cf.append((issue_date_obj + dt.timedelta(days=(len(rlist) - 1) * 365), rlist[-1])) return xnpv(rate, cf)
[docs]def cb_ytm(issue_date, rlist, cp, date=None, tax=1.0, guess=0.01): """ 可转债到期收益率计算器 :param issue_date: 发行日期 :param rlist: 计息及赎回列表 :param cp: 可转债现价 :param date: 参考日期 :param tax: 计税 1 vs 0.8 税后 YTM :param guess: YTM 估计初始值 :return: """ if rlist[-1] < 100: logger.warning( "the format of rlist must contain the final return more than 100 without interest of that year" ) issue_date = issue_date.replace("-", "").replace("/", "") issue_date_obj = dt.datetime.strptime(issue_date, "%Y%m%d") if date is None: date_obj = else: date = date.replace("-", "").replace("/", "") date_obj = dt.datetime.strptime(date, "%Y%m%d") cf = [(date_obj, -cp)] passed = (date_obj - issue_date_obj).days // 365 for i, r in enumerate(rlist[:-1]): if i >= passed: cf.append((issue_date_obj + dt.timedelta(days=(i + 1) * 365), r * tax)) # 关于赎回利息计算: # # 富投网的算法:将最后一年超出100的部分,全部按照20%计税, cf.append((issue_date_obj + dt.timedelta(days=(len(rlist) - 1) * 365), rlist[-1])) # print(cf) return xirr(cf, guess=guess)
[docs]class CBCalculator: """ 可转债内在价值,简单计算器,期权价值与债券价值估算 """
[docs] def __init__( self, code, bondrate=None, riskfreerate=None, volatility=None, name=None, zgj=None, ): """ :param code: str. 转债代码,包含 SH 或 SZ 字头 :param bondrate: Optional[float]. 评估所用的债券折现率,默认使用中证企业债对应信用评级对应久期的利率 :param riskfreerate: Optioal[float]. 评估期权价值所用的无风险利率,默认使用国债对应久期的年利率。 :param volatility: Optional[float]. 正股波动性百分点,默认在一个范围浮动加上历史波动率的小幅修正。 :param name: str. 对于历史回测,可以直接提供 str,免得多次 get_rt 获取 name :param zgj: float. 手动设置转股价,适用于想要考虑转股价调整因素进行历史估值的高阶用户 """ # 应该注意到该模型除了当天外,其他时间估计会利用现在的转股价,对于以前下修过转股价的转债历史价值估计有问题 self.code = code self.refbondrate = bondrate self.bondrate = self.refbondrate self.refriskfreerate = riskfreerate self.riskfreerate = self.refriskfreerate self.refvolatility = volatility self.volatility = self.refvolatility = name r = rget("" + code[2:]) r.encoding = "utf-8" b = BeautifulSoup(r.text, "lxml") self.rlist = [ float("[\D]*([\d]*.[\d]*)[\s]*\%", s).group(1)) for s in re.split("、|,","td[id=cpn_desc]")[0].string) ] self.rlist.append(float("td[id=redeem_price]")[0].string)) self.rlist[-1] -= self.rlist[-2] # 最后一年不含息返多少 self.scode = ("td[class=jisilu_nav]")[0].contents[1].string.split("-")[1].strip() ) self.scode = ttjjcode(self.scode) # 标准化股票代码 if not zgj: self.zgj = float("td[id=convert_price]")[0].string) # 转股价 else: self.zgj = zgj self.rating ="td[id=rating_cd]")[0].string.strip() self.enddate ="td[id=maturity_dt]")[0].string
[docs] def process_byday(self, date=None): if not date: self.date_obj = else: self.date_obj = dt.datetime.strptime( date.replace("-", "").replace("/", ""), "%Y%m%d" ) if not date: rt = get_rt(self.code) = rt["name"] self.cbp = rt["current"] # 转债价 self.stockp = get_rt(self.scode)["current"] # 股票价 else: try: if not rt = get_rt(self.code) = rt["name"] except: = "unknown" df = xu.get_daily(self.code, prev=100, end=self.date_obj.strftime("%Y%m%d")) self.cbp = df.iloc[-1]["close"] df = xu.get_daily( self.scode, prev=100, end=self.date_obj.strftime("%Y%m%d") ) self.stockp = df.iloc[-1]["close"] df = xu.get_daily(self.scode, prev=360, end=self.date_obj.strftime("%Y%m%d")) self.history_volatility = np.std( np.log(df["close"] / df.shift(1)["close"]) ) * np.sqrt(244) if not self.refvolatility: self.volatility = 0.17 if self.rating in ["A-", "A", "A+"]: self.volatility = 0.25 elif self.rating in ["AA-"]: self.volatility = 0.2 elif self.rating in ["AA"]: self.volatility = 0.19 elif self.rating in ["AA+"]: self.volatility = 0.18 if self.history_volatility < 0.2: self.volatility -= 0.01 elif self.history_volatility > 0.7: self.volatility += 0.05 elif self.history_volatility > 0.6: self.volatility += 0.035 elif self.history_volatility > 0.5: self.volatility += 0.02 elif self.history_volatility > 0.4: self.volatility += 0.01 self.years = len(self.rlist) - 1 syear = int(self.enddate.split("-")[0]) - self.years self.issuedate = str(syear) + self.enddate[4:] self.days = ( dt.datetime.strptime(self.enddate, "%Y-%m-%d") - self.date_obj ).days if not self.refbondrate: ratestable = get_bond_rates(self.rating, self.date_obj.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")) if self.rating in ["A", "A+", "AA-"]: ## AA 到 AA- 似乎是利率跳高的一个坎 cutoff = 2 else: cutoff = 4 if self.days / 365 > cutoff: # 过长久期的到期收益率,容易造成估值偏离,虽然理论上是对的 # 考虑到国内可转债市场信用风险较低,不应过分低估低信用债的债券价值 self.bondrate = ( ratestable[ratestable["year"] <= cutoff].iloc[-1]["rate"] / 100 ) else: self.bondrate = ( ratestable[ratestable["year"] >= self.days / 365].iloc[0]["rate"] / 100 ) if not self.refriskfreerate: ratestable = get_bond_rates("N", self.date_obj.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")) if self.days / 365 > 5: self.riskfreerate = ( ratestable[ratestable["year"] <= 5].iloc[-1]["rate"] / 100 ) else: self.riskfreerate = ( ratestable[ratestable["year"] >= self.days / 365].iloc[0]["rate"] / 100 )
[docs] def analyse(self, date=None): self.process_byday(date=date) d = { "stockcode": self.scode, "cbcode": self.code, "name":, "enddate": self.enddate, "interest": self.rlist, "zgj": self.zgj, "stockprice": self.stockp, "cbprice": self.cbp, "rating": self.rating, "bondrate": self.bondrate, "predicted_volatility": self.volatility, "historical_valatility": self.history_volatility, "riskfreerate": self.riskfreerate, "years": self.days / 365, "issuedate": self.issuedate, "date": self.date_obj.strftime("%Y-%m-%d"), } d["bond_value"] = cb_bond_value(self.issuedate, self.rlist, self.bondrate) d["ytm_wo_tax"] = cb_ytm(self.issuedate, self.rlist, self.cbp) d["ytm_wi_tax"] = cb_ytm(self.issuedate, self.rlist, self.cbp, tax=0.8) d["option_value"] = ( BlackScholes( self.stockp, self.zgj, self.days / 365, self.volatility, self.riskfreerate, CallPutFlag="C", ) * 100 / self.zgj ) # 经验上看,下修强赎回售及美式期权行为等其他带来的期权价值大约有1到4元的增益: # 以0.015 为无风险利率和 0.15-0.18 为波动率估计范围的情形下 # 实在没有必要为了这几块钱上复杂工具估值,因为无风险利率几十个bp的改变,就足以导致更大的波动,看个热闹就行了 # 可转债估值只能是模糊的正确 d["tot_value"] = d["bond_value"] + d["option_value"] d["premium"] = (self.cbp / d["tot_value"] - 1) * 100 return d
######################### # netvalue prediction # #########################
[docs]@lru_cache(maxsize=512) def get_currency(code): """ 通过代码获取计价货币的函数 :param code: :return: """ # 强制需要自带 cache,否则在回测 table 时,info 里没有的代码将很灾难。。。 # only works for HKD JPY USD GBP CNY EUR, not very general when data source gets diverse more try: if code in currency_info: return currency_info[code] elif (code.startswith("F") or code.startswith("M")) and code[1:].isdigit(): return "CNY" elif code.startswith("FT-") and len(code.split(":")) > 2: # be careful! FT-ABC:IOM has no currency information! return code.split(":")[-1] elif code.startswith("HK") and code[2:].isdigit(): return "HKD" currency = get_rt(code)["currency"] if currency is None: currency = "CNY" elif currency == "JPY": currency = "100JPY" except (TypeError, AttributeError, ValueError): logger.warning("set currency of %s as default CNY" % code) currency = "CNY" return currency
[docs]def _get_currency_code(c): if c == "CNY": return # None if c == "JPY": return "100JPY/CNY" zjjl = [ "USD", "EUR", "100JPY", "HKD", "GBP", "AUD", "NZD", "SGD", "CHF", "CAD", "MYR", "RUB", "ZAR", "KRW", "AED", "SAR", "HUF", "PLN", "DKK", "SEK", "NOK", "TRY", "MXN", "THB", ] if c in zjjl: return c + "/CNY" return "currencies/" + c.lower() + "-cny"
[docs]@lru_cache(maxsize=512) def get_currency_code(code): c = get_currency(code) return _get_currency_code(c)
[docs]@lru_cache(maxsize=512) def get_market(code): """ 非常粗糙的通过代码获取交易市场的函数 :param code: :return: """ trans = { "USD": "US", "GBP": "UK", "HKD": "HK", "CNY": "CN", "CHF": "CH", "JPY": "JP", "EUR": "DE", "AUD": "AU", "INR": "IN", "SGD": "SG", } try: if code in market_info: return market_info[code] elif code.startswith("CNY/") or code.endswith("/CNY"): return "CM" # china money 中间价市场标记 elif code.startswith("HK") and code[2:].isdigit(): return "HK" market = get_rt(code)["market"] if market is None: market = get_currency(code) market = trans.get(market, market) except (TypeError, AttributeError, ValueError, IndexError): market = "CN" return market
[docs]@lru_cache(maxsize=512) def get_alt(code): """ 抓取失败后寻找替代对等标的 :param code: :return: """ if code in alt_info: return alt_info[code] elif len(code[1:].split("/")) == 2: return "INA-" + code # 英为 app 源替代网页源 elif code.startswith("SP") and code[2:].isdigit(): return "SPC" + code[2:] # 中国区标普源替代美国源 else: return None
[docs]def _is_on(code, date): df = xu.get_daily(code, prev=20, end=date) if len(df[df["date"] == date]) == 0: return False return True
[docs]def is_on(date, market="CN", no_trading_days=None): """ 粗略鉴定 date 日是否是指定 market 的开市日,对于当日鉴定,仍有数据未及时更新的风险。也存在历史数据被 investing 补全的风险。 :param date: :param market: str. CN, JP, HK, US, UK, CH, HK, DE :return: bool. """ if not isinstance(date, dt.datetime): date_obj = dt.datetime.strptime( date.replace("-", "").replace("/", ""), "%Y%m%d" ) else: date_obj = date if date_obj.weekday() in [5, 6]: # 周末休市 # 注意部分中东市场周日开市,暂时涉及不到 return False date_dash = date_obj.strftime("%Y-%m-%d") if no_trading_days: if date_dash in no_trading_days.get(market, []): return False if date_dash in holidays.get(market, []): return False logger.warning( "determine whether %s is holiday in %s market, but may be wrong, be careful!" % (date_dash, market) ) if market in ["CN", "CHN", "CNY", "RMB", "CHINA", "CM"]: # 国内节假日不更新中间价 return date_dash in opendate elif market in ["JP", "JAPAN", "JPY", "100JPY"]: code = "indices/japan-ni225" elif market in ["US", "NY", "USD", "NASDAQ"]: code = "indices/us-spx-500" elif market in ["GBP", "UK", "GB"]: code = "indices/uk-100" elif market in ["GER", "EUR", "DE"]: # 是否可以代表欧洲待考量, 还要警惕欧洲市场的美元计价标的 code = "indices/germany-30" elif market in ["CHF", "SWI", "CH"]: code = "indices/switzerland-20" elif market in ["HK"]: code = "indices/hang-sen-40" else: logger.warning( "unknown oversea market %s, assuming %s follows US holiday pattern" % (market, date_dash) ) # not sure which last resort is the best, but make no huge difference anyhow code = "indices/us-spx-500" return _is_on(code, date)
[docs]def daily_increment(code, date, lastday=None, _check=False, warning_threhold=None): """ 单一标的 date 日(若 date 日无数据则取之前的最晚有数据日,但该日必须大于 _check 对应的日期)较上一日或 lastday 的倍数, lastday 支持不完整,且不能离 date 太远 :param code: :param date: :param lastday: 如果用默认 None,则表示和前一日的涨跌, 不是一个支持任意日期涨幅的通用类,只有最接近的几天才保证逻辑没有问题 :param _check: 数据必须已更新到 date 日,除非之前每天都是节假日 :return: """ try: tds = xu.get_daily(code=code, end=date, prev=30) except Exception as e: # 只能笼统 catch 了,因为抓取失败的异常是什么都能遇到。。。 code = get_alt(code) if code: tds = xu.get_daily(code=code, end=date, prev=30) else: raise e tds = tds[tds["date"] <= date] if len(tds) > 1 and warning_threhold: rough_ratio = tds.iloc[-1]["close"] / tds.iloc[-2]["close"] if rough_ratio > warning_threhold[0] or rough_ratio < warning_threhold[1]: logger.warning( "daily_increment detects abnormal increase or decrease of %s" " trying to refresh price cache" % code ) tds = xu.get_daily(code=code, end=date, prev=30, refresh=True) # 对于可能出现的拆合股情况,刷新该标的全局缓存 tds = tds[tds["date"] <= date] if _check: date = date.replace("-", "").replace("/", "") date_obj = dt.datetime.strptime(date, "%Y%m%d") while tds.iloc[-1]["date"] < date_obj: # in case data is not up to date # 但是存在日本市场休市时间不一致的情况,估计美股也存在 if not is_on( date_obj.strftime("%Y%m%d"), get_market(code), no_trading_days=no_trading_days, ) or (date_obj.strftime("%Y-%m-%d") in gap_info.get(code, [])): print("%s is closed on %s" % (code, date)) if not lastday: return 1 # 当日没有涨跌,这里暂时为考虑 _check 和 lastday 相同的的情形 date_obj -= dt.timedelta(days=1) else: raise DateMismatch( code, reason="%s has no data newer than %s" % (code, date_obj.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")), ) if not lastday: ratio = tds.iloc[-1]["close"] / tds.iloc[-2]["close"] else: tds2 = tds[tds["date"] <= lastday] if tds2 is None or len(tds2) == 0: ratio = 1.0 # 未考虑检查连 lastday 的数据数据源都没更新的情形,这种可能极小 else: ratio = tds.iloc[-1]["close"] / tds2.iloc[-1]["close"] return ratio
[docs]def _smooth_pos(r, e, o): """ 单日仓位估计的平滑函数 :param r: 实际涨幅 :param e: 满仓估计涨幅 :param o: 昨日仓位估计 :return: """ pos = r / e o = (0.92 + o) / 2 # 抑制季报异常的仓位基准 if pos <= 0: return o if pos > 1: pos = 1 elif pos < 0.5: pos = pos ** 0.6 if abs(r) < 0.6: # 实际波动小时参考意义有限,进行削弱 pos = (pos + (3 - 5 * abs(r)) * o) / (4 - 5 * abs(r)) return pos
[docs]def error_catcher(f): """ 装饰器,透明捕获 DateMismatch :param f: :return: """ @wraps(f) def wrapper(*args, **kws): try: return f(*args, **kws) except DateMismatch as e: code = args[0] error_msg = e.reason error_msg += ", therefore %s cannot predict correctly" % code raise NonAccurate(code=code, reason=error_msg) return wrapper
[docs]def evaluate_fluctuation(hdict, date, lastday=None, _check=None, warning_threhold=None): """ 分析资产组合 hdict 的涨跌幅,全部兑换成人民币考虑 :param hdict: :param date: :param lastday: :param _check: bool, ensure date source has been updated, otherwise throw DataMismatch error :param warning_threhold: float>1, 异常检查阈值,若为 2, 则代表单日涨到2或跌倒1/2以外被舍弃 :return: """ price = 0 tot = 0 if warning_threhold: if isinstance(warning_threhold, tuple): pass else: warning_threhold = (warning_threhold, 1 / warning_threhold) # 上界, 下界 for fundid, percent in hdict.items(): ratio = daily_increment(fundid, date, lastday, _check, warning_threhold) if warning_threhold: # 额外检查,防止误算大幅分红和拆合股等为本身的价格变化,对于变化幅度小的拆合股与分红无法区别与价格变化 if ratio > warning_threhold[0] or ratio < warning_threhold[1]: logger.warning( "%s has abnormal daily increment beyond warning_threhold %s, auto reset..." % (fundid, warning_threhold) ) ratio = 1 # 直接重置 exchange = 1 currency = get_currency_code(fundid) if currency: exchange = daily_increment(currency, date, lastday, _check) price += ratio * percent / 100 * exchange tot += percent remain = 100 - tot price += remain / 100 return (price - 1) * 100
[docs]def get_holdings_dict(code, aim=95): """ 通过天天基金的股票持仓数据来生成实时预测所需的持仓字典,不保证稳定性和可靠性以及 API 的连续性,慎用 :param code: :param aim: :return: """ df = get_fund_holdings(code) if df.ratio.sum() < 60: d = if d.month > 3 and d.month < 8: year = d.year - 1 season = 4 elif d.month <= 3: year = d.year - 1 season = 2 else: year = d.year season = 2 # season 只选 2,4, 具有更详细的持仓信息 df = get_fund_holdings(code, year, season) if df is None: if season == 4: season = 2 else: year -= 1 season = 4 df = get_fund_holdings(code, year, season) df["scode"] = df["code"].apply(ttjjcode) d = pd.Series(df.ratio.values, index=df.scode).to_dict() d = scale_dict(d, aim=aim) return d
[docs]class RTPredict: """ 场内 ETF LOF 实时溢价,非 QDII 类 """
[docs] def __init__(self, code, t0dict=None): """ :param code: :param t0dict: """ self.code = code self.fcode = "F" + code[2:] if not t0dict: t0dict = holdings.get(code[2:], None) if not t0dict: raise ValueError("Please provide t0dict for prediction") if isinstance(t0dict, str): t0dict = {t0dict: 100} self.t0dict = t0dict self.t1value_cache = None = =, minute=0, second=0, microsecond=0)
[docs] def get_t1(self, return_date=True): """ 获取昨日基金净值 :return: """ if not self.t1value_cache: last_r = get_rt(self.fcode) last_value, last_date = last_r["current"], last_r["time"] self.t1value_cache = (last_value, last_date) if return_date: return self.t1value_cache else: return self.t1value_cache[0]
[docs] @error_catcher def get_t0(self, return_date=True, percent=False): last_value, last_date = self.get_t1() last_date_obj = dt.datetime.strptime(last_date, "%Y-%m-%d") cday = last_onday( while last_date_obj < cday: # 昨天净值数据还没更新 # 是否存在部分部分基金可能有 gap? if cday.strftime("%Y-%m-%d") not in gap_info.get(self.fcode, []): self.t1_type = "昨日未出" raise DateMismatch( self.code, reason="%s netvalue has not been updated to yesterday" % self.code, ) else: cday = last_onday(cday) # 经过这个没报错,就表示数据源是最新的 if last_date_obj >= # 今天数据已出,不需要再预测了 print( "no need to predict net value since it has been out for %s" % self.code ) self.t1_type = "今日已出" if not return_date: return last_value else: return last_value, last_date t = 0 n = 0 today_str ="%Y%m%d") for k, v in self.t0dict.items(): w = v t += w r = get_rt(k) # k should support get_rt, investing pid doesn't support this! if percent: c = w / 100 * (1 + r["percent"] / 100) # 直接取标的当日涨跌幅 else: df = xu.get_daily(k) basev = df[df["date"] <= last_date].iloc[-1]["close"] c = w / 100 * r["current"] / basev currency_code = get_currency_code(k) if currency_code: c = c * daily_increment(currency_code, today_str) # TODO: 这里似乎应该有 lastdate n += c n += (100 - t) / 100 t0value = n * last_value self.t0_delta = n if not return_date: return t0value else: return t0value,"%Y-%m-%d")
[docs] def get_t0_rate(self, percent=False, return_date=True): iopv = self.get_t0(percent=False, return_date=False) rtv = get_rt(self.code)["current"] r = (rtv / iopv - 1) * 100 if return_date: return r,"%Y-%m-%d") else: return r
[docs]class QDIIPredict: """ T+2 确认份额的 QDII 型基金净值预测类 .. warning:: 由于该类与现实时间的强烈耦合和激进的缓存利用,该类的对象不能"过夜"使用,每天需声明新的对象 """
[docs] def __init__( self, code, t1dict=None, t0dict=None, positions=False, fetch=False, save=False ): """ :param code: str, 场内基金代码,eg SH501018 :param t1dict: Dict[str, float]. 用来预测 T-1 净值的基金组合持仓,若为空自动去 holdings 中寻找。 :param t0ict: Dict[str, float]. 用来预测 T 实时净值的基金组合持仓,若为空自动去 holdings 中寻找。 :param positions: bool. 仓位是否浮动,默认固定仓位。 :param fetch: bool, default True. 优先从 backend fetch t1。 :param save: bool, default True. 将 t1 缓存到 backend。 """ self.code = code self.fcode = "F" + code[2:] self.fetch = fetch = save if not t1dict: self.t1dict = holdings.get(code[2:], None) if not self.t1dict: raise ValueError("Please provide t1dict for prediction") else: self.t1dict = t1dict if not t0dict: self.t0dict = holdings.get(code[2:] + "rt", None) else: self.t0dict = t0dict self.position_cache = {} self.t1value_cache = {} self.t2value_cache = None # t0 实时净值自然不 cache self.positions = positions self.position_zero = sum([v for _, v in self.t1dict.items()]) = =, minute=0, second=0, microsecond=0) self.t1_type = "未计算" self.bar_cache = {} self.t0_delta = None self.t1_delta = None # 不建议直接使用以上两者看变化量,在手动 set 后,以上两者可能继续为 None if fetch: df = fetch_backend("t1-" + code) if df is not None: df["date"] = pd.to_datetime(df["date"]) for i, r in df.iterrows(): self.set_t1(float(r["t1"]), r["date"].strftime("%Y-%m-%d")) self.set_position(float(r["pos"]), r["date"].strftime("%Y-%m-%d")) else: # nodf emptydf = pd.DataFrame({"date": [], "t1": [], "pos": []}) save_backend("t1-" + code, emptydf, header=True)
[docs] def set_t1(self, value, date=None): """ 设定 T-1 的基金净值,有时我们只想计算实时净值,这就不需要重复计算 t1,可以先行设定 :param value: :param date: :return: """ if date is None: yesterday = last_onday( datekey = yesterday.strftime("%Y%m%d") else: datekey = date.replace("/", "").replace("-", "") if datekey in self.t1value_cache: logger.debug("t-1 value already exists, rewriting...") self.t1value_cache[datekey] = value self.t1_type = "已计算"
[docs] def set_t2(self, value, date=None): """ 手动设定 t2 净值 :param value: :return: """ if not date: date = last_onday(last_onday("%Y-%m-%d") self.t2value_cache = (value, date)
[docs] def get_t2(self, return_date=True): """ 返回最新的已公布基金净值,注意这里严格按照最新公布,不一定是前两个交易日,可以更新,但更老会报错 DateMismatch :param return_date: :return: if return_date is True, tuple (value, %Y-%m-%d) """ if not self.t2value_cache: last_r = get_rt(self.fcode) last_value, last_date = last_r["current"], last_r["time"] self.t2value_cache = (last_value, last_date) if return_date: return self.t2value_cache else: return self.t2value_cache[0]
[docs] @error_catcher def get_t1(self, date=None, return_date=True): """ 预测 date 日的净值,基于 date-1 日的净值和 date 日的外盘数据,数据自动缓存,不会重复计算 :param date: str. %Y-%m-%d. 注意若是 date 日为昨天,即今日预测昨日的净值,date 取默认值 None。 :param return_date: bool, default True. return tuple, the second one is date in the format %Y%m%d :return: float, (str). :raises NonAccurate: 由于外盘数据还未及时更新,而 raise,可在调用程序中用 except 捕获再处理。 """ if date is None: yesterday = last_onday( datekey = yesterday.strftime("%Y%m%d") else: datekey = date.replace("/", "").replace("-", "") if datekey not in self.t1value_cache: logger.debug("no cache for t1 value, computing from beginning") if self.positions: current_pos = self.get_position(datekey, return_date=False) hdict = scale_dict(self.t1dict.copy(), aim=current_pos * 100) else: current_pos = sum([v for _, v in self.t1dict.items()]) / 100 hdict = self.t1dict.copy() if date is None: # 此时预测上个交易日净值 yesterday_str = datekey last_value, last_date = self.get_t2() last_date_obj = dt.datetime.strptime(last_date, "%Y-%m-%d") cday = last_onday(last_onday( while last_date_obj < cday: # 前天净值数据还没更新 # 是否存在部分 QDII 在 A 股交易日,美股休市日不更新净值的情形? if ( (cday.strftime("%Y-%m-%d") not in gap_info.get(self.fcode, [])) and is_on(cday.strftime("%Y-%m-%d"), "US", no_trading_days) and is_on(cday.strftime("%Y-%m-%d"), "DE", no_trading_days) ): # 这里检查比较宽松,只要当天美股休市,就可以认为确实基金数据不存在而非未更新 # 这里宽松检查的根本原因是,天天基金如果第二天早晨还没数据,几乎不可能是数据更新迟缓 self.t1_type = "前日未出" raise DateMismatch( self.code, reason="%s netvalue has not been updated to the day before yesterday" % self.code, ) else: cday = last_onday(cday) # 经过这个没报错,就表示数据源是最新的 if last_date_obj >= last_onday( # 昨天数据已出,不需要再预测了 print( "no need to predict t-1 value since it has been out for %s" % self.code ) self.t1_type = "昨日已出" self.t1value_cache = {last_date.replace("-", ""): last_value} if not return_date: return last_value else: return last_value, last_date else: yesterday_str = datekey fund_price = xu.get_daily(self.fcode) # 获取国内基金净值 fund_last = fund_price[fund_price["date"] < date].iloc[-1] # 注意实时更新应用 date=None 传入,否则此处无法保证此数据是前天的而不是大前天的,因为没做校验 # 事实上这里计算的预测是针对 date 之前的最晚数据和之前一日的预测 last_value = fund_last["close"] last_date = fund_last["date"].strftime("%Y-%m-%d") self.t1_delta = ( 1 + evaluate_fluctuation( hdict, yesterday_str, lastday=last_date, _check=True, warning_threhold=(1.8, 0.1), ) / 100 ) net = last_value * self.t1_delta self.t1value_cache[datekey] = net self.t1_type = "已计算" if df = pd.DataFrame( { "date": [datekey[:4] + "-" + datekey[4:6] + "-" + datekey[6:8]], "t1": [net], "pos": [current_pos], } ) save_backend("t1-" + self.code, df) if not return_date: return self.t1value_cache[datekey] else: return ( self.t1value_cache[datekey], datekey[:4] + "-" + datekey[4:6] + "-" + datekey[6:8], )
[docs] def get_t1_rate(self, date=None, return_date=True): t1v, d = self.get_t1(date=date, return_date=True) cp = get_rt(self.code)["current"] r = (cp / t1v - 1) * 100 if return_date: return r, d else: return r
[docs] def get_t0_rate(self, percent=False, return_date=True): t0v, d = self.get_t0(percent=percent, return_date=True) cp = get_rt(self.code)["current"] r = (cp / t0v - 1) * 100 if return_date: return r, d else: return r
[docs] def _base_value(self, code, shift): if not shift: funddf = xu.get_daily(code) ## 获取股指现货日线 return funddf[funddf["date"] <= last_onday(].iloc[-1][ "close" ] # 日线日期是按当地时间 # TODO: check it is indeed date of last_on(today) else: code = self.hot_replace(code) if code not in self.bar_cache: funddf = get_bar(code, prev=168, interval="3600") ## 获取小时线 ## 注意对于国内超长假期,prev 可能还不够 if > 6: # 昨日美国市场收盘才正常,才缓存参考小时线 self.bar_cache[code] = funddf else: funddf = self.bar_cache[code] refdate = last_onday( + dt.timedelta(days=1) # 按北京时间校准 return funddf[funddf["date"] <= refdate + dt.timedelta(hours=shift)].iloc[ -1 ][ "close" ] # 时间是按北京时间, 小时线只能手动缓存,日线不需要是因为自带透明缓存器
[docs] def hot_replace(self, code): # 原油切换,避免展期误算实时 if code in [ "commodities/brent-oil", "commodities/crude-oil", ]: involvedays = [ s.strftime("%Y/%m/%d") for s in pd.date_range(last_onday(, ] st = get_rt(code) rl = st["rollover"] lrl = st["lastrollover"] if rl in involvedays or lrl in involvedays: # 可能实时牵涉到展期日,将该油的预测部分切换到另一只做近似 # 其实对于升水不严重的时候,这一切换也不一定有正效果 # 但对于升水严重的市场,可以防止实时预测的严重偏离 # 对于展期交割时实时预测的逻辑正确性与稳定性,还需要进一步实盘验证 "%s is rolling in this period, change to its alternative" % code ) if code.endswith("brent-oil"): code = "commodities/crude-oil" else: code = "commodities/brent-oil" return code
[docs] def get_t0(self, percent=False, return_date=True): """ 获取当日实时净值估计, 该接口每日凌晨到美股收盘(早晨),不保证自洽和可用 :param percent: bool, default False。现在有两种实时的预测处理逻辑。若 percent 是 True,则将 t0dict 的 每个持仓标的的今日涨跌幅进行估算,若为 False,则将标的现价和标的对应指数昨日收盘价的比例作为涨跌幅估算。不推荐使用 percent=True. :param return_date: bool, default True. return tuple, the second one is date in the format %Y%m%d :return: float """ ########### # 这里还没有考虑海外标的的拆股合股以及分红的处理逻辑,这些商品基金如果说分红还不太多的话,拆合股可能比较频繁 # 特别是对于杠杆油基。 英为的数据方面,基金拆合股之后,全部历史数据变化,相当于前复权。 # 也就是说如果不缓存日线数据的话,预测没有任何问题。但是日线数据我们总是倾向于缓存,这样我们还有个刷新掉最后一天缓存的逻辑在, # 也就是说如果开缓存但预测是 positions=False, 不用浮动仓位的话,预测也没任何问题。 # 但一旦开了浮动仓位预测,拆合股会贡献一个巨大的涨跌幅,这会导致对应日期的即时未平滑仓位变小(因为基金实际涨幅跟不上这个异常涨跌幅) # 最终导致 T-1 日仓位预测偏小,从而低估当日的涨跌幅,但应该不会出现方向性的问题。在这里没出现严重错误的原因是, # 刷新掉最后一日缓存的逻辑和英为历史数据自动变化前复权。 # 至于分红,暂时没有样例观察英为如何处理价格,是否会前复权,如果会的话,也不会出现严重问题,只是仓位预估会偏。 # 想要能估计准,还是建议了解这些变化信息,当天先 refresh=True 手动刷新相关标的的数据,前提是每次对应数据源都有正确复权。 # 注意:英为似乎并不是总能及时正确的对历史数据前复权。所以需要双重保险,daily_increment 探测到异常增幅的标的进行 refresh 刷新 # evaluate_fluctuation 可能继续探测到异常,这时直接涨幅置为0。 # # 实际上对于仓位预测,之前几天的 daily increment 可能还有更多的坑,比如说节假日考虑不完善 real, pred 起止时间不对等。 # 但原则就是仓位的滑动平均可以尽量抑制这种问题,而不至于使其暴露的过于明显。但是如果基准仓位比较偏,比如一季报披露的话,可能有些问题, # 会反复造成预估仓位过小。可能需要补一个修正。 # # 此外关于利用基金净值而非市价预测的问题,可以参考: 的一些讨论。 ########### if not self.t0dict: raise ValueError("Please provide t0dict for prediction") t1value = self.get_t1(date=None, return_date=False) t = 0 n = 0 today_str ="%Y%m%d") for k, v in self.t0dict.items(): if not isinstance(v, dict): v = {"weight": v} if len(k.split("~")) > 1 and k.split("~")[-1].isdigit(): # 为了持仓中可以同标的多次出现的 workaround k = k.split("~")[0] w = v["weight"] shift = v.get("time", None) base = v.get("base", None) t += w k = self.hot_replace(k) # 原油切换 r = get_rt( k ) # k should support get_rt, investing pid doesn't support this! if percent: c = w / 100 * (1 + r["percent"] / 100) # 直接取标的当日涨跌幅 else: if k in futures_info and not base: kf = futures_info[k] elif not base: if k.endswith("-futures"): kf = k[:-8] # k + "-futures" else: kf = k else: kf = base try: basev = self._base_value(kf, shift) except Exception as e: kf = get_alt(kf) if not kf: raise e else: basev = self._base_value(kf, shift) c = w / 100 * r["current"] / basev currency_code = get_currency_code(k) if currency_code: c = c * daily_increment(currency_code, today_str) # TODO: 中间价未更新,但实时数据不检查问题也不大 n += c n += (100 - t) / 100 t0value = n * t1value self.t0_delta = n if not return_date: return t0value else: return t0value,"%Y-%m-%d")
[docs] def set_position(self, value, date=None): if date is None: yesterday = last_onday( datekey = yesterday.strftime("%Y%m%d") else: datekey = date.replace("/", "").replace("-", "") self.position_cache[datekey] = value
[docs] @error_catcher def get_position(self, date=None, refresh=False, return_date=True, **kws): """ 基于 date 日之前的净值数据,对 date 预估需要的仓位进行计算。 :param date: str. %Y-%m-%d :param refresh: bool, default False. 若为 True,则刷新缓存,重新计算仓位。 :param return_date: bool, default True. return tuple, the second one is date in the format %Y%m%d :param kws: 一些预估仓位可能的超参。包括 window,预估所需的时间窗口,decay 加权平均的权重衰减,smooth 每日仓位处理的平滑函数。以上参数均可保持默认即可获得较好效果。 :return: float. 0-100. 100 代表满仓。 """ if not date: date = last_onday("%Y%m%d") else: date = date.replace("/", "").replace("-", "") if date not in self.position_cache or refresh: fdict = scale_dict(self.t1dict.copy(), aim=100) l = kws.get("window", 4) q = kws.get("decay", 0.8) s = kws.get("smooth", _smooth_pos) d = dt.datetime.strptime(date, "%Y%m%d") posl = [sum([v for _, v in self.t1dict.items()]) / 100] for _ in range(l): d = last_onday(d) for _ in range(l - 1): d = next_onday(d) pred = evaluate_fluctuation( fdict, d.strftime("%Y-%m-%d"), lastday=last_onday(d).strftime("%Y-%m-%d"), warning_threhold=(1.8, 0.1), ) real = evaluate_fluctuation( {self.fcode: 100}, d.strftime("%Y-%m-%d"), lastday=last_onday(d).strftime("%Y-%m-%d"), ) posl.append(s(real, pred, posl[-1])) current_pos = sum([q ** i * posl[l - i - 1] for i in range(l)]) / sum( [q ** i for i in range(l)] ) self.position_cache[date] = current_pos if not return_date: return self.position_cache[date] else: return ( self.position_cache[date], date[:4] + "-" + date[4:6] + "-" + date[6:8], )
[docs] def benchmark_test(self, start, end, **kws): """ 对该净值预测模型回测 :param start: str. 起始日期 :param end: str. 终止日期 :param kws: 可选仓位估计的超参。 :return: pd.DataFrame. real 列为真实涨跌幅,est 列为估计涨跌幅,diff 列为两者之差。 """ compare_data = { "date": [], } l = kws.get("window", 4) q = kws.get("decay", 0.8) c = kws.get("pos", self.position_zero) s = kws.get("smooth", _smooth_pos) real_holdings = {self.fcode: 100} full_holdings = scale_dict(self.t1dict.copy(), aim=100) compare_data["est"] = [] compare_data["real"] = [] compare_data["estpos3"] = [] compare_data["estpos1"] = [] fq = deque([c / 100] * l, maxlen=l) current_pos = c / 100 dl = pd.Series(pd.date_range(start=start, end=end)) dl = dl[dl.isin(opendate)] for j, d in enumerate(dl): if j == 0: continue dstr = d.strftime("%Y%m%d") lstdstr = dl.iloc[j - 1].strftime("%Y%m%d") compare_data["date"].append(d) fullestf = evaluate_fluctuation( full_holdings, dstr, lstdstr, warning_threhold=(1.8, 0.1) ) realf = evaluate_fluctuation(real_holdings, dstr, lstdstr) estf = fullestf * current_pos compare_data["est"].append(estf) compare_data["estpos3"].append(current_pos) compare_data["estpos1"].append(fq[-1]) compare_data["real"].append(realf) pos = s(realf, fullestf, fq[-1]) fq.append(pos) fq[0] = c / 100 ## 模拟实际的无状态仓位分析 if self.positions: current_pos = sum([q ** i * fq[l - i - 1] for i in range(l)]) / sum( [q ** i for i in range(l)] ) if current_pos > 1: current_pos = 1 cpdf = pd.DataFrame(compare_data) cpdf["diff"] = cpdf["real"] - cpdf["est"] self.cpdf = cpdf return cpdf
[docs] def analyse(self): """ 打印出回测结果的定量分析。 :return: None """ print("净值预测回测分析:\n") self.analyse_deviate(self.cpdf, "diff") self.analyse_percentile(self.cpdf, "diff") self.analyse_ud(self.cpdf, "real", "diff")
[docs] @staticmethod def analyse_ud(cpdf, col1, col2): """ :param cpdf: pd.DataFrame, with col1 as real netvalue and col2 as prediction difference :param col1: str. :param col2: str. :return: """ uu, ud, dd, du, count = 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 # uu 实际上涨,real-est>0 (预测涨的少) # ud 预测涨的多 # du 预测跌的多 # dd 预测跌的少 for i, row in cpdf.iterrows(): if row[col1] >= 0 and row[col2] > 0: uu += 1 elif row[col1] >= 0 >= row[col2]: ud += 1 elif row[col1] < 0 < row[col2]: du += 1 else: dd += 1 count += 1 print( "\n涨跌偏差分析:", "\n预测涨的比实际少: ", round(uu / count, 2), "\n预测涨的比实际多: ", round(ud / count, 2), "\n预测跌的比实际多: ", round(du / count, 2), "\n预测跌的比实际少: ", round(dd / count, 2), )
[docs] @staticmethod def analyse_percentile(cpdf, col): percentile = [1, 5, 25, 50, 75, 95, 99] r = [round(d, 3) for d in np.percentile(list(cpdf[col]), percentile)] print( "\n预测偏差分位:", "\n1% 分位: ", r[0], "\n5% 分位: ", r[1], "\n25% 分位: ", r[2], "\n50% 分位: ", r[3], "\n75% 分位: ", r[4], "\n95% 分位: ", r[5], "\n99% 分位: ", r[6], )
[docs] @staticmethod def analyse_deviate(cpdf, col): l = np.array(cpdf[col]) d1, d2 = np.mean(np.abs(l)), np.sqrt(np.mean(l ** 2)) print("\n平均偏离: ", d1, "\n标准差偏离: ", d2)