Source code for

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
modules of info class, including cashinfo, indexinfo and fundinfo class

import os
import csv
import datetime as dt
import json
import re
import logging
from functools import lru_cache

import pandas as pd
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
from sqlalchemy import exc

import xalpha.remain as rm
from xalpha.cons import (
from xalpha.exceptions import FundTypeError, TradeBehaviorError, ParserFailure
from xalpha.indicator import indicator

_warnmess = "Something weird on redem fee, please adjust self.segment by hand"
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]def _shengoucal(sg, sgf, value, label): """ Infer the share of buying fund by money input, the rate of fee in the unit of %, and netvalue of fund :param sg: positive float, 申购金额 :param sgf: positive float, 申购费,以%为单位,如 0.15 表示 0.15% :param value: positive float, 对应产品的单位净值 :param label: integer, 1 代表份额正常进行四舍五入, 2 代表份额直接舍去小数点两位之后。金额部分都是四舍五入 :returns: tuple of two positive float, 净申购金额和申购份额 """ jsg = myround(sg / (1 + sgf * 1e-2)) share = myround(jsg / value, label) return (jsg, share)
[docs]def _nfloat(string): """ deal with comment column in fundinfo price table, positive value for fenhong and negative value for chaifen, keep other unrocognized pattern as original string :param string: string of input from original data :returns: make fenhong and songpei as float number """ result = 0 if string: try: result = float(string) except ValueError: if re.match(r'"分红\D*(\d*\.\d*)\D*"', string): result = float(re.match(r'"分红\D*(\d*\.\d*)\D*"', string).group(1)) elif re.match(r".*现金(\d*\.\d*)\D*", string): result = float(re.match(r".*现金(\d*\.\d*)\D*", string).group(1)) elif re.match(r".*折算(\d*\.\d*)\D*", string): result = -float(re.match(r".*折算(\d*\.\d*)\D*", string).group(1)) elif re.match(r'"拆分\D*(\d*\.\d*)\D*"', string): result = -float(re.match(r'"拆分\D*(\d*\.\d*)\D*"', string).group(1)) elif re.match(r"\D*分拆(\d*\.\d*)\D*", string): result = -float(re.match(r"\D*分拆(\d*\.\d*)\D*", string).group(1)) else: logger.warning("The comment col cannot be converted: %s" % string) result = string return result
[docs]class FundReport: """ 提供查看各种基金报告的接口 """
[docs] def __init__(self, code): self.code = code r = rget( "{code}&pageIndex=1&pageSize=20&type={type_}".format( code=code, type_="3" ), headers={ "Referer": "{code}_3.html".format( code=code ) }, ) self.report_list = r.json()["Data"] self.report_detail = {}
[docs] def get_report(self, no=0, id_=None): """ :param no: int。在type_=3 中的第no个报告。 :param id_: id 可由 :meth:`show_report_list` 中条目的对应 ID 得到 :return: """ if id_: report_url = "{code},{id_}.html".format( code=self.code, id_=id_ ) r = rget(report_url) b = BeautifulSoup(r.text, "lxml") seasonr = b.find("pre") sr = [s.string.strip() for s in seasonr.findAll("p") if s.string] return sr if not self.report_detail.get(no): report_url = "{code},{id_}.html".format( code=self.code, id_=self.report_list[no]["ID"] ) r = rget(report_url) b = BeautifulSoup(r.text, "lxml") seasonr = b.find("pre") sr = [s.string.strip() for s in seasonr.findAll("p") if s.string] self.report_detail[no] = sr return self.report_detail[no]
[docs] def show_report_list(self, type_=3): """ :param type_: int。第0栏,第1栏,每栏的含义,请参照天天基金基金报告的页面。 :return: """ r = rget( "{code}&pageIndex=1&pageSize=20&type={type_}".format( code=self.code, type_=str(type_) ), headers={ "Referer": "{code}_3.html".format( code=self.code ) }, ) return r.json()["Data"]
[docs] def analyse_report(self, no=0): l = self.get_report(no) d = {} d["title"] = "" for s in l[:5]: if s.startswith("基金管理"): break d["title"] += s + " " for i, s in enumerate(l): if s.startswith("业绩比较基准"): ss = [s for s in s.split(" ") if s.strip()] if len(ss) == 2: if l[i + 1][0] != "本": d["benchmark"] = ss[-1] + l[i + 1] else: d["benchmark"] = ss[-1] elif s.startswith("基金管理人"): ss = [s for s in s.split(" ") if s.strip()] if len(ss) == 2: d["company"] = ss[-1] elif s.startswith("基金托管人"): ss = [s for s in s.split(" ") if s.strip()] if len(ss) == 2: d["bank"] = ss[-1] elif s.startswith("场内简称"): ss = [s for s in s.split(" ") if s.strip()] if len(ss) == 2: d["shortname"] = ss[-1] elif s.startswith("基金主代码"): ss = [s for s in s.split(" ") if s.strip()] if len(ss) == 2: d["code"] = ss[-1] elif s.startswith("报告期末基金份额总额"): ss = [s for s in s.split(" ") if s.strip()] if len(ss) == 2: d["share"] = ss[-1] elif s.startswith("基金合同生效日"): ss = [s for s in s.split(" ") if s.strip()] if len(ss) == 2: d["start_date"] = ss[-1] return d
[docs]@lru_cache() def get_fund_holdings(code, year="", season="", month="", category="jjcc"): """ 获取基金详细的底层持仓信息 :param code: str. 6 位基金代码 :param year: int. eg. 2019 :param season: int, 1,2,3,4 :param month: Optional[int]. 指定 season 即可,一般不需理会 :param category: str. stock 股票持仓, bond 债券持仓,天天基金无法自动处理海外基金持仓,暂未兼容 FOF 的国内基金持仓 :return: pd.DataFrame or None. 没有对应持仓时返回 None。 """ if not month and season: month = 3 * int(season) if category in ["stock", "stocks", "jjcc", "", "gp", "s"]: category = "jjcc" elif category in ["bond", "bonds", "zq", "zqcc", "b"]: category = "zqcc" else: raise ParserFailure("unrecognized category %s" % category) r = rget( "{category}&code={code}&topline=10&\ year={year}&month={month}".format( year=str(year), month=str(month), code=code, category=category ), headers={ "Host": "", "Referer": "{code}.html".format( code=code ), }, ) if len(r.text) < 50: return # raise ParserFailure( # "This fund has no holdings on stock or bonds in this period" # ) s = BeautifulSoup( re.match("[\s\S]*apidata={ content:(.*),arryear:", r.text).groups()[0], "lxml" ) if len(s.text) < 30: return # raise ParserFailure( # "This fund has no holdings on stock or bonds in this period" # ) timeline = [ i.string for i in s.findAll("font", class_="px12") if i.text.startswith("2") ] ind = 0 if month: for i, d in enumerate(timeline): if d.split("-")[1][-1] == str(month)[-1]: # avoid 09 compare to 9 ind = i break else: return # not update to this month t1 = s.findAll("table")[ind] main = [[j.text for j in i.contents] for i in t1.findAll("tr")[1:]] cols = [j.text for j in t1.findAll("tr")[0].contents if j.text.strip()] icode = 1 iname = 2 iratio = 4 ishare = 5 ivalue = 6 for j, col in enumerate(cols): if col.endswith("代码"): icode = j elif col.endswith("名称"): iname = j elif col.endswith("比例"): iratio = j elif col.startswith("持股数"): ishare = j elif col.startswith("持仓市值"): ivalue = j if category == "jjcc": result = {"code": [], "name": [], "ratio": [], "share": [], "value": []} for l in main: result["code"].append(l[icode]) result["name"].append(l[iname]) result["ratio"].append(float(l[iratio][:-1])) result["share"].append(_float(l[ishare])) result["value"].append(_float(l[ivalue])) elif category == "zqcc": result = {"code": [], "name": [], "ratio": [], "value": []} for l in main: result["code"].append(l[1]) result["name"].append(l[2]) result["ratio"].append(float(l[3][:-1])) result["value"].append(_float(l[4])) return pd.DataFrame(result)
[docs]class basicinfo(indicator): """ Base class for info of fund, index or even cash, which cannot be directly instantiate, the basic implementation consider redemption fee as zero when shuhui() function is implemented :param code: string of code for specific product :param fetch: boolean, when open the fetch option, the class will try fetching from local files first in the init :param save: boolean, when open the save option, automatically save the class to files :param path: string, the file path prefix of IO. Or in sql case, path is the engine from sqlalchemy. :param form: string, the format of IO, options including: 'csv','sql' :param round_label: int, default 0 or 1, label to the different round scheme of shares, reserved for fundinfo class. 1 代表全舍而非四舍五入。 :param dividend_label: int, default 0 or 1. 0 代表默认现金分红,1代表红利再投。两者均可通过记账单上的 0.05 来改变单次的默认。 :param value_label: int, default 0 or 1. 1 代表记账单上的赎回数目是按金额而非份额的,只能完美支持货币基金。其他净值型基金本质上无法精确到分支持这一选项,因此不开放支持。 """
[docs] def __init__( self, code, fetch=False, save=False, path="", form="csv", round_label=0, dividend_label=0, value_label=0, ): # 增量 IO 的逻辑都由 basicinfo 类来处理,对于具体的子类,只需实现_save_form 和 _fetch_form 以及 update 函数即可 self.code = code self.round_label = round_label self.dividend_label = dividend_label self.value_label = value_label self.specialdate = [] self.fenhongdate = [] self.zhesuandate = [] # compatible with new xa.set_backend() import xalpha.universal as xu if (xu.ioconf["backend"] in ["csv", "sql"]) and (not path): fetch = True save = True form = xu.ioconf["backend"] path = xu.ioconf["path"] path = os.path.join(path, xu.ioconf["prefix"] + "INFO-") self.format = form if fetch is False: self._basic_init() # update self. name rate and price table else: try: self.fetch(path, self.format) df = self.update() # update the price table as well as the file if (df is not None) and save is True:, self.format, option="a", delta=df) except (FileNotFoundError, exc.ProgrammingError) as e:"no saved copy of %s" % self.code) fetch = False self._basic_init() if (save is True) and (fetch is False):, self.format)
[docs] def _basic_init(self): """ set self. name rate and price (dataframe) as well as other necessary attr of info() """ # below lines are just showcase, this function must be rewrite by child classes # = 'unknown' # self.rate = 0 # self.price = pd.DataFrame(data={'date':[],'netvalue':[],'comment':[]}) raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def shengou(self, value, date): """ give the realdate deltacash deltashare tuple based on purchase date and purchase amount if the date is not a trade date, then the purchase would happen on the next trade day, if the date is in the furture, then the trade date is taken as yesterday. :param value: the money for purchase :param date: string or object of date :returns: three elements tuple, the first is the actual dateobj of commit the second is a negative float for cashin, the third is a positive float for share increase """ row = self.price[self.price["date"] >= date].iloc[0] share = _shengoucal(value, self.rate, row.netvalue, label=self.round_label + 1)[ 1 ] return (, -myround(value), share)
[docs] def shuhui(self, share, date, rem): """ give the cashout considering redemption rates as zero. if the date is not a trade date, then the purchase would happen on the next trade day, if the date is in the furture, then the trade date is taken as yesterday. :param share: float or int, number of shares to be sold. if value_label=1, its cash to be sold. :param date: string or object of date :returns: three elements tuple, the first is dateobj the second is a positive float for cashout, the third is a negative float for share decrease """ if self.value_label == 0: return self._shuhui_by_share(share, date, rem) elif self.value_label == 1: # 按金额赎回,仅支持无赎回费的货币基金 partprice = self.price[self.price["date"] >= date] if len(partprice) == 0: row = self.price[self.price["date"] < date].iloc[-1] else: row = partprice.iloc[0] share = share / row.netvalue return self._shuhui_by_share(share, date, rem)
[docs] def _shuhui_by_share(self, share, date, rem): date = convert_date(date) tots = sum([remitem[1] for remitem in rem if remitem[0] <= date]) if share > tots: sh = tots else: sh = share partprice = self.price[self.price["date"] >= date] if len(partprice) == 0: row = self.price[self.price["date"] < date].iloc[-1] else: row = partprice.iloc[0] value = myround(sh * row.netvalue) return (, value, -myround(sh), ) # TODO: 这里 myround 是否也和 round_label 有关,有待考证
[docs] def info(self): """ print basic info on the class """ print("fund name: %s" % print("fund code: %s" % self.code) print("fund purchase fee: %s%%" % self.rate)
def __repr__(self): return
[docs] def save(self, path, form=None, option="r", delta=None): """ save info to files, this function is designed to redirect to more specific functions :param path: string of the folder path prefix! or engine obj from sqlalchemy :param form: string, option:'csv' :param option: string, r for replace and a for append output :param delta: if option is a, you have to specify the delta which is the incremental part of price table """ if form is None: form = self.format if form == "csv" and option == "r": self._save_csv(path) elif form == "csv" and option == "a": self._save_csv_a(path, delta) elif form == "sql" and option == "r": self._save_sql(path) elif form == "sql" and option == "a": self._save_sql_a(path, delta)
[docs] def _save_csv_a(self, path, df): df.sort_index(axis=1).to_csv( path + self.code + ".csv", mode="a", header=None, index=False, date_format="%Y-%m-%d", )
[docs] def _save_sql_a(self, path, df): df.sort_index(axis=1).to_sql( "xa" + self.code, path, if_exists="append", index=False )
[docs] def fetch(self, path, form=None): """ fetch info from files :param path: string of the folder path prefix! end with / in csv case; engine from sqlalchemy.create_engine() in sql case. :param form: string, option:'csv' or 'sql """ if form is None: form = self.format if form == "csv": self._fetch_csv(path) elif form == "sql": self._fetch_sql(path)
[docs] def update(self): """ 对类的价格表进行增量更新,并进行增量存储,适合 fetch 打开的情形 :returns: the incremental part of price table or None if no incremental part exsits """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs]class fundinfo(basicinfo): """ class for specific fund with basic info and every day values 所获得的基金净值数据一般截止到昨日。但注意QDII基金的净值数据会截止的更早,因此部分时间默认昨日的函数可能出现问题, 处理QDII基金时,需要额外注意。 :param code: str, 基金六位代码字符 :param round_label: integer 0 or 1, 取1表示基金申购时份额直接舍掉小数点两位之后。当基金处于 cons.droplist 名单中时, label 总会被自动设置为1。非名单内基金可以显式令 round_label=1. :param dividend_label: int, default 0 or 1. 0 代表默认现金分红,1代表红利再投。两者均可通过记账单上的 0.05 来改变单次的默认。 :param fetch: boolean, when open the fetch option, the class will try fetching from local files first in the init :param save: boolean, when open the save option, automatically save the class to files :param path: string, the file path prefix of IO :param form: string, the format of IO, options including: 'csv' """
[docs] def __init__( self, code, round_label=0, dividend_label=0, fetch=False, save=False, path="", form="csv", priceonly=False, ): if round_label == 1 or (code in droplist): label = 1 # the scheme of round down on share purchase else: label = 0 if code.startswith("F") and code[1:].isdigit(): code = code[1:] elif code.startswith("M") and code[1:].isdigit(): raise FundTypeError( "This code seems to be a mfund, use ``mfundinfo`` instead" ) self._url = ( "" + code + ".js" ) # js url api for info of certain fund self._feeurl = ( "" + code + ".html" ) # html url for trade fees info of certain fund self.priceonly = priceonly super().__init__( code, fetch=fetch, save=save, path=path, form=form, round_label=label, dividend_label=dividend_label, ) self.special = self.price[self.price["comment"] != 0] self.specialdate = list(self.special["date"]) # date with nonvanishing comment, usually fenhong or zhesuan try: self.fenhongdate = list(self.price[self.price["comment"] > 0]["date"]) self.zhesuandate = list(self.price[self.price["comment"] < 0]["date"]) except TypeError: print("There are still string comments for the fund!")
[docs] def _basic_init(self): self._page = rget(self._url) if self._page.status_code == 404: raise ParserFailure("Unrecognized fund, please check fund code you input.") if self._page.text[:800].find("Data_millionCopiesIncome") >= 0: raise FundTypeError("This code seems to be a mfund, use mfundinfo instead") l = re.match( r"[\s\S]*Data_netWorthTrend = ([^;]*);[\s\S]*", self._page.text ).groups()[0] l = l.replace("null", "None") # 暂未发现基金净值有 null 的基金,若有,其他地方也很可能出问题! l = eval(l) ltot = re.match( r"[\s\S]*Data_ACWorthTrend = ([^;]*);[\s\S]*", self._page.text ).groups()[ 0 ] # .* doesn't match \n ltot = ltot.replace("null", "None") ## 096001 总值数据中有 null! ltot = eval(ltot) ## timestamp transform tzinfo must be taken into consideration tz_bj = dt.timezone(dt.timedelta(hours=8)) infodict = { "date": [ dt.datetime.fromtimestamp(int(d["x"]) / 1e3, tz=tz_bj).replace( tzinfo=None ) for d in l ], "netvalue": [float(d["y"]) for d in l], "comment": [_nfloat(d["unitMoney"]) for d in l], } if len(l) == len(ltot): # 防止总值和净值数据量不匹配,已知有该问题的基金:502010 infodict["totvalue"] = [d[1] for d in ltot] try: rate = float( eval( re.match( r"[\s\S]*fund_Rate=([^;]*);[\s\S]*", self._page.text ).groups()[0] ) ) except ValueError: rate = 0"warning: this fund has no data for rate") # know cases: ETF name = eval( re.match(r"[\s\S]*fS_name = ([^;]*);[\s\S]*", self._page.text).groups()[0] ) self.rate = rate # shengou rate in tiantianjijin, daeshengou rate discount is not considered = name # the name of the fund df = pd.DataFrame(data=infodict) df = df[df["date"].isin(opendate)] df = df.reset_index(drop=True) if len(df) == 0: raise ParserFailure("no price table found for this fund %s" % self.code) self.price = df[df["date"] <= yesterdaydash()] # deal with the redemption fee attrs finally if not self.priceonly: self._feepreprocess()
[docs] def _feepreprocess(self): """ Preprocess to add self.feeinfo and self.segment attr according to redemption fee info """ feepage = rget(self._feeurl) soup = BeautifulSoup( feepage.text, "lxml" ) # parse the redemption fee html page with beautiful soup somethingwrong = False if not soup.findAll("a", {"name": "shfl"}): somethingwrong = True logger.warning("%s 基金赎回信息为空,可能由于该基金已终止运作" % self.code) self.feeinfo = [] else: self.feeinfo = [ item.string for item in soup.findAll("a", {"name": "shfl"})[ 0 ].parent.parent.next_sibling.next_sibling.find_all("td") if item.string != "---" ] # this could be [], known case 510030 if not self.feeinfo or len(self.feeinfo) % 2 != 0: somethingwrong = True else: for item in self.feeinfo: if "开放期" in item or "封闭" in item or "开放日期" in item or "运作期" in item: # 暂时没有完美维护定开基金赎回费处理的计划 somethingwrong = True if somethingwrong: logger.warning( "%s 赎回费信息异常,多是因为定开基金,封闭基金或场内 ETF: %s" % (self.code, self.feeinfo) ) self.feeinfo = ["小于7天", "1.50%", "大于等于7天", "0.00%"] # print(self.feeinfo) try: self.segment = fundinfo._piecewise(self.feeinfo) except (ValueError, IndexError) as e: logger.warning( "%s 赎回费信息抓取异常,请手动设定 ``self.segment`` 和 ``self.feeinfo``: %s" % (self.code, self.feeinfo) ) # below is default one self.feeinfo = ["小于7天", "1.50%", "大于等于7天", "0.00%"] self.segment = fundinfo._piecewise(self.feeinfo)
[docs] @staticmethod def _piecewise(a): """ Transform the words list into a pure number segment list for redemption fee, eg. [[0,7],[7,365],[365]] """ b = [ ( a[2 * i] .replace("持有期限", "") .replace("开放运作期时持有", "") .replace("不少于", "") .replace("小于", "") .replace("大于", "") .replace("等于", "") .replace("个", "") .replace("持有", "") .replace("以上", "") .replace("以内", "") .replace("的", "") .replace("(含7天)", "") .replace("份额持有时间", "") ).split(",") for i in range(int(len(a) / 2)) ] # ['赎回时份额持有7天以内的', '1.50%', '持有7天以上(含7天),30天以内的', '0.10%', '赎回时份额持有满30天以上(含30天)的', '0.00%'] # ['由于本基金最短持有期限为三年,赎回费率设置为零。', '0.00%', '对持续持有期少于7日的投资者收取不低于1.5%的赎回费。', '1.50%'] # ['对持续持有期少于7日的投资者收取1.5%的赎回费并全额计入基金财产', '1.50%', '对于持续持有期大于等于7日的投资者不收取赎回费用。', '0.00%'] # print(b) for j, tem in enumerate(b): for i, num in enumerate(tem): if num[-1] == "天": num = int(num[:-1]) elif num[-1] == "月": num = int(num[:-1]) * 30 elif num == ".5年": num = 183 else: num = int(float(num[:-1]) * 365) b[j][i] = num if len(b[0]) == 1: # 有时赎回费会写大于等于一天 b[0].insert(0, 0) elif len(b[0]) == 2: b[0][0] = 0 else: print(_warnmess) for i in range(len(b) - 1): # 有时赎回费两区间都是闭区间 if b[i][1] - b[i + 1][0] == -1: b[i][1] = b[i + 1][0] elif b[i][1] == b[i + 1][0]: pass else: print(_warnmess) return b
[docs] def feedecision(self, day): """ give the redemption rate in percent unit based on the days difference between purchase and redemption :param day: integer, 赎回与申购时间之差的自然日数 :returns: float,赎回费率,以%为单位 """ i = -1 for seg in self.segment: i += 2 if day - seg[0] >= 0 and (len(seg) == 1 or day - seg[-1] < 0): return float(self.feeinfo[i].strip("%")) return 0 # error backup, in case there is sth wrong in segment
[docs] def shuhui(self, share, date, rem): """ give the cashout based on rem term considering redemption rates :returns: three elements tuple, the first is dateobj the second is a positive float for cashout, the third is a negative float for share decrease """ # value = myround(share*self.price[self.price['date']==date].iloc[0].netvalue) date = convert_date(date) partprice = self.price[self.price["date"] >= date] if len(partprice) == 0: row = self.price[self.price["date"] < date].iloc[-1] else: row = partprice.iloc[0] soldrem, _ = rm.sell(rem, share, value = 0 sh = myround(sum([item[1] for item in soldrem])) for d, s in soldrem: value += myround( s * row.netvalue * (1 - self.feedecision(( - d).days) * 1e-2) ) # TODO: round_label whether play a role here? return (, value, -sh)
[docs] def info(self): super().info() print("fund redemption fee info: %s" % self.feeinfo)
[docs] def _save_csv(self, path): """ save the information and pricetable into path+code.csv, not recommend to use manually, just set the save label to be true when init the object :param path: string of folder path """ s = json.dumps( { "feeinfo": self.feeinfo, "name":, "rate": self.rate, "segment": self.segment, } ) df = pd.DataFrame( [[s, 0, 0, 0]], columns=["date", "netvalue", "comment", "totvalue"] ) df = df.append(self.price, ignore_index=True, sort=True) df.sort_index(axis=1).to_csv( path + self.code + ".csv", index=False, date_format="%Y-%m-%d" )
[docs] def _fetch_csv(self, path): """ fetch the information and pricetable from path+code.csv, not recommend to use manually, just set the fetch label to be true when init the object :param path: string of folder path """ try: content = pd.read_csv(path + self.code + ".csv") pricetable = content.iloc[1:] datel = list(pd.to_datetime( self.price = pricetable[["netvalue", "totvalue", "comment"]] self.price["date"] = datel saveinfo = json.loads(content.iloc[0].date) if not isinstance(saveinfo, dict): raise FundTypeError("This csv doesn't looks like from fundinfo") self.segment = saveinfo["segment"] self.feeinfo = saveinfo["feeinfo"] = saveinfo["name"] self.rate = saveinfo["rate"] except FileNotFoundError as e: # print('no saved copy of fund %s' % self.code) raise e
[docs] def _save_sql(self, path): """ save the information and pricetable into sql, not recommend to use manually, just set the save label to be true when init the object :param path: engine object from sqlalchemy """ s = json.dumps( { "feeinfo": self.feeinfo, "name":, "rate": self.rate, "segment": self.segment, } ) df = pd.DataFrame( [[pd.Timestamp("1990-01-01"), 0, s, 0]], columns=["date", "netvalue", "comment", "totvalue"], ) df = df.append(self.price, ignore_index=True, sort=True) df.sort_index(axis=1).to_sql( "xa" + self.code, con=path, if_exists="replace", index=False )
[docs] def _fetch_sql(self, path): """ fetch the information and pricetable from sql, not recommend to use manually, just set the fetch label to be true when init the object :param path: engine object from sqlalchemy """ try: content = pd.read_sql("xa" + self.code, path) pricetable = content.iloc[1:] commentl = [float(com) for com in pricetable.comment] self.price = pricetable[["date", "netvalue", "totvalue"]] self.price["comment"] = commentl saveinfo = json.loads(content.iloc[0].comment) if not isinstance(saveinfo, dict): raise FundTypeError("This csv doesn't looks like from fundinfo") self.segment = saveinfo["segment"] self.feeinfo = saveinfo["feeinfo"] = saveinfo["name"] self.rate = saveinfo["rate"] except exc.ProgrammingError as e: # print('no saved copy of %s' % self.code) raise e
[docs] def update(self): """ function to incrementally update the pricetable after fetch the old one """ lastdate = self.price.iloc[-1].date diffdays = (yesterdayobj() - lastdate).days if ( diffdays == 0 ): ## for some QDII, this value is 1, anyways, trying update is compatible (d+2 update) return None self._updateurl = ( "" + self.code + "&page=1&per=1" ) con = rget(self._updateurl) soup = BeautifulSoup(con.text, "lxml") items = soup.findAll("td") if dt.datetime.strptime(str(items[0].string), "%Y-%m-%d") == today(): diffdays += 1 if diffdays <= 10: self._updateurl = ( "" + self.code + "&page=1&per=" + str(diffdays) ) con = rget(self._updateurl) soup = BeautifulSoup(con.text, "lxml") items = soup.findAll("td") elif ( diffdays > 10 ): ## there is a 20 item per page limit in the API, so to be safe, we query each page by 10 items only items = [] for pg in range(1, int(diffdays / 10) + 2): self._updateurl = ( "" + self.code + "&page=" + str(pg) + "&per=10" ) con = rget(self._updateurl) soup = BeautifulSoup(con.text, "lxml") items.extend(soup.findAll("td")) else: raise TradeBehaviorError( "Weird incremental update: the saved copy has future records" ) date = [] netvalue = [] totvalue = [] comment = [] for i in range(int(len(items) / 7)): ts = pd.Timestamp(str(items[7 * i].string)) if (ts - lastdate).days > 0: date.append(ts) netvalue.append(float(items[7 * i + 1].string)) totvalue.append(float(items[7 * i + 2].string)) comment.append(_nfloat(items[7 * i + 6].string)) else: break df = pd.DataFrame( { "date": date, "netvalue": netvalue, "totvalue": totvalue, "comment": comment, } ) df = df.iloc[::-1] ## reverse the time order df = df[df["date"].isin(opendate)] df = df.reset_index(drop=True) df = df[df["date"] <= yesterdayobj()] if len(df) != 0: self.price = self.price.append(df, ignore_index=True, sort=True) return df
[docs] def get_holdings(self, year="", season="", month="", category="stock"): return get_fund_holdings( self.code, year, season=season, month=month, category=category )
[docs] def get_stock_holdings(self, year="", season="", month=""): return get_fund_holdings( self.code, year, season=season, month=month, category="stock" )
[docs] def get_bond_holdings(self, year="", season="", month=""): return get_fund_holdings( self.code, year, season=season, month=month, category="bond" )
[docs]class indexinfo(basicinfo): """ Get everyday close price of specific index. In self.price table, totvalue column is the real index while netvalue comlumn is normalized to 1 for the start date. In principle, this class can also be used to save stock prices but the price is without adjusted. :param code: string with seven digitals! note the code here has an extra digit at the beginning, 0 for sh and 1 for sz. :param value_label: int, default 0 or 1. If set to 1, 记账单数字按金额赎回。 :param fetch: boolean, when open the fetch option, the class will try fetching from local files first in the init :param save: boolean, when open the save option, automatically save the class to files :param path: string, the file path prefix of IO :param form: string, the format of IO, options including: 'csv' """
[docs] def __init__( self, code, value_label=0, fetch=False, save=False, path="", form="csv" ): date = yesterday() if code.startswith("SH") and code[2:].isdigit(): code = "0" + code[2:] elif code.startswith("SZ") and code[2:].isdigit(): code = "1" + code[2:] self.rate = 0 self._url = ( "" + code + "&start=19901219&end=" + date + "&fields=TCLOSE" ) super().__init__( code, value_label=value_label, fetch=fetch, save=save, path=path, form=form )
[docs] def _basic_init(self): raw = rget(self._url) cr = csv.reader(raw.text.splitlines(), delimiter=",") my_list = list(cr) factor = float(my_list[-1][3]) dd = { "date": [ dt.datetime.strptime(my_list[i + 1][0], "%Y-%m-%d") for i in range(len(my_list) - 1) ], "netvalue": [ float(my_list[i + 1][3]) / factor for i in range(len(my_list) - 1) ], "totvalue": [float(my_list[i + 1][3]) for i in range(len(my_list) - 1)], "comment": [0 for _ in range(len(my_list) - 1)], } index = pd.DataFrame(data=dd) index = index.iloc[::-1] index = index.reset_index(drop=True) self.price = index[index["date"].isin(opendate)] self.price = self.price[self.price["date"] <= yesterdaydash()] = my_list[-1][2]
[docs] def _save_csv(self, path): """ save the information and pricetable into path+code.csv, not recommend to use manually, just set the save label to be true when init the object :param path: string of folder path """ self.price.sort_index(axis=1).to_csv( path + self.code + ".csv", index=False, date_format="%Y-%m-%d" )
[docs] def _fetch_csv(self, path): """ fetch the information and pricetable from path+code.csv, not recommend to use manually, just set the fetch label to be true when init the object :param path: string of folder path """ try: pricetable = pd.read_csv(path + self.code + ".csv") datel = list(pd.to_datetime( self.price = pricetable[["netvalue", "totvalue", "comment"]] self.price["date"] = datel except FileNotFoundError as e: # print('no saved copy of %s' % self.code) raise e
[docs] def _save_sql(self, path): """ save the information and pricetable into sql, not recommend to use manually, just set the save label to be true when init the object :param path: engine object from sqlalchemy """ self.price.sort_index(axis=1).to_sql( "xa" + self.code, con=path, if_exists="replace", index=False )
[docs] def _fetch_sql(self, path): """ fetch the information and pricetable from sql, not recommend to use manually, just set the fetch label to be true when init the object :param path: engine object from sqlalchemy """ try: pricetable = pd.read_sql("xa" + self.code, path) self.price = pricetable except exc.ProgrammingError as e: # print('no saved copy of %s' % self.code) raise e
[docs] def update(self): lastdate = self.price.iloc[-1].date lastdatestr = lastdate.strftime("%Y%m%d") weight = self.price.iloc[1].totvalue self._updateurl = ( "" + self.code + "&start=" + lastdatestr + "&end=" + yesterday() + "&fields=TCLOSE" ) df = pd.read_csv(self._updateurl, encoding="gb2312") = df.iloc[0].loc["名称"] if len(df) > 1: df = df.rename(columns={"收盘价": "totvalue"}) df["date"] = pd.to_datetime(df.日期) df = df.drop(["股票代码", "名称", "日期"], axis=1) df["netvalue"] = df.totvalue / weight df["comment"] = [0 for _ in range(len(df))] df = df.iloc[::-1].iloc[1:] df = df[df["date"].isin(opendate)] df = df.reset_index(drop=True) df = df[df["date"] <= yesterdayobj()] self.price = self.price.append(df, ignore_index=True, sort=True) return df
[docs]class cashinfo(basicinfo): """ A virtual class for remaining cash manage: behave like monetary fund :param interest: float, daily rate in the unit of 100%, note this is not a year return rate! :param start: str of date or dateobj, the virtual starting date of the cash fund :param value_label: int, default 0 or 1. If set to 1, 记账单数字按金额赎回。 """
[docs] def __init__(self, interest=0.0001, start="2012-01-01", value_label=0): self.interest = interest start = convert_date(start) self.start = start super().__init__( "mf", value_label=value_label, fetch=False, save=False, path="nobackend" ) # 永远不缓存 cashinfo
[docs] def _basic_init(self): = "货币基金" self.rate = 0 datel = list( pd.date_range(dt.datetime.strftime(self.start, "%Y-%m-%d"), yesterdaydash()) ) valuel = [] for i, date in enumerate(datel): valuel.append((1 + self.interest) ** i) dfdict = { "date": datel, "netvalue": valuel, "totvalue": valuel, "comment": [0 for _ in datel], } df = pd.DataFrame(data=dfdict) self.price = df[df["date"].isin(opendate)]
[docs]class mfundinfo(basicinfo): """ 真实的货币基金类,可以通过货币基金六位代码,来获取真实的货币基金业绩,并进行交易回测等 :param code: string of six digitals, code of real monetnary fund :param round_label: int, default 0 or 1, label to the different round scheme of shares, reserved for fundinfo class. 1 代表全舍而非四舍五入。 :param value_label: int, default 0 or 1. 1 代表记账单上的赎回数目是按金额而非份额的,只能完美支持货币基金。 :param fetch: boolean, when open the fetch option, the class will try fetching from local files first in the init :param save: boolean, when open the save option, automatically save the class to files :param path: string, the file path prefix of IO :param form: string, the format of IO, options including: 'csv' """
[docs] def __init__( self, code, round_label=0, value_label=0, fetch=False, save=False, path="", form="csv", ): if code.startswith("M") and code[1:].isdigit(): code = code[1:] self._url = "" + code + ".js" self.rate = 0 super().__init__( code, fetch=fetch, save=save, path=path, form=form, round_label=round_label, value_label=value_label, )
[docs] def _basic_init(self): self._page = rget(self._url) if self._page.text[:800].find("Data_fundSharesPositions") >= 0: raise FundTypeError("This code seems to be a fund, use fundinfo instead") l = eval( re.match( r"[\s\S]*Data_millionCopiesIncome = ([^;]*);[\s\S]*", self._page.text ).groups()[0] ) = re.match( r"[\s\S]*fS_name = \"([^;]*)\";[\s\S]*", self._page.text ).groups()[0] tz_bj = dt.timezone(dt.timedelta(hours=8)) datel = [ dt.datetime.fromtimestamp(int(d[0]) / 1e3, tz=tz_bj).replace(tzinfo=None) for d in l ] ratel = [float(d[1]) for d in l] netvalue = [1] for dailyrate in ratel: netvalue.append(netvalue[-1] * (1 + dailyrate * 1e-4)) netvalue.remove(1) df = pd.DataFrame( data={ "date": datel, "netvalue": netvalue, "totvalue": netvalue, "comment": [0 for _ in datel], } ) df = df[df["date"].isin(opendate)] if len(df) == 0: raise ParserFailure("no price table for %s" % self.code) df = df.reset_index(drop=True) self.price = df[df["date"] <= yesterdaydash()]
[docs] def _save_csv(self, path): """ save the information and pricetable into path+code.csv, not recommend to use manually, just set the save label to be true when init the object :param path: string of folder path """ df = pd.DataFrame( [[0, 0,, 0]], columns=["date", "netvalue", "comment", "totvalue"] ) df = df.append(self.price, ignore_index=True, sort=True) df.sort_index(axis=1).to_csv( path + self.code + ".csv", index=False, date_format="%Y-%m-%d" )
[docs] def _fetch_csv(self, path): """ fetch the information and pricetable from path+code.csv, not recommend to use manually, just set the fetch label to be true when init the object :param path: string of folder path """ try: content = pd.read_csv(path + self.code + ".csv") pricetable = content.iloc[1:] datel = list(pd.to_datetime( self.price = pricetable[["netvalue", "totvalue", "comment"]] self.price["date"] = datel = content.iloc[0].comment except FileNotFoundError as e: # print('no saved copy of %s' % self.code) raise e
[docs] def _save_sql(self, path): """ save the information and pricetable into sql, not recommend to use manually, just set the save label to be true when init the object :param path: engine object from sqlalchemy """ s = json.dumps({"name":}) df = pd.DataFrame( [[pd.Timestamp("1990-01-01"), 0, s, 0]], columns=["date", "netvalue", "comment", "totvalue"], ) df = df.append(self.price, ignore_index=True, sort=True) df.sort_index(axis=1).to_sql( "xa" + self.code, con=path, if_exists="replace", index=False )
[docs] def _fetch_sql(self, path): """ fetch the information and pricetable from sql, not recommend to use manually, just set the fetch label to be true when init the object :param path: engine object from sqlalchemy """ try: content = pd.read_sql("xa" + self.code, path) pricetable = content.iloc[1:] commentl = [float(com) for com in pricetable.comment] self.price = pricetable[["date", "netvalue", "totvalue"]] self.price["comment"] = commentl = json.loads(content.iloc[0].comment)["name"] except exc.ProgrammingError as e: # print('no saved copy of %s' % self.code) raise e
[docs] def update(self): """ function to incrementally update the pricetable after fetch the old one """ lastdate = self.price.iloc[-1].date startvalue = self.price.iloc[-1].totvalue diffdays = (yesterdayobj() - lastdate).days if diffdays == 0: return None self._updateurl = ( "" + self.code + "&page=1&per=1" ) con = rget(self._updateurl) soup = BeautifulSoup(con.text, "lxml") items = soup.findAll("td") if dt.datetime.strptime(str(items[0].string), "%Y-%m-%d") == today(): diffdays += 1 if diffdays <= 10: # caution: there may be today data!! then a day gap will be in table self._updateurl = ( "" + self.code + "&page=1&per=" + str(diffdays) ) con = rget(self._updateurl) soup = BeautifulSoup(con.text, "lxml") items = soup.findAll("td") elif ( diffdays > 10 ): ## there is a 20 item per page limit in the API, so to be safe, we query each page by 10 items only items = [] for pg in range(1, int(diffdays / 10) + 2): self._updateurl = ( "" + self.code + "&page=" + str(pg) + "&per=10" ) con = rget(self._updateurl) soup = BeautifulSoup(con.text, "lxml") items.extend(soup.findAll("td")) else: raise TradeBehaviorError( "Weird incremental update: the saved copy has future records" ) date = [] earnrate = [] comment = [] for i in range(int(len(items) / 6)): ts = pd.Timestamp(str(items[6 * i].string)) if (ts - lastdate).days > 0: date.append(ts) earnrate.append(float(items[6 * i + 1].string) * 1e-4) comment.append(_nfloat(items[6 * i + 5].string)) date = date[::-1] earnrate = earnrate[::-1] comment = comment[::-1] netvalue = [startvalue] for earn in earnrate: netvalue.append(netvalue[-1] * (1 + earn)) netvalue.remove(startvalue) df = pd.DataFrame( { "date": date, "netvalue": netvalue, "totvalue": netvalue, "comment": comment, } ) df = df[df["date"].isin(opendate)] df = df.reset_index(drop=True) df = df[df["date"] <= yesterdayobj()] if len(df) != 0: self.price = self.price.append(df, ignore_index=True, sort=True) return df
FundInfo = fundinfo MFundInfo = mfundinfo CashInfo = cashinfo IndexInfo = indexinfo