Source code for

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
module for trade class
import datetime as dt

import pandas as pd
from pyecharts.charts import Bar, Line
from pyecharts.options import AxisOpts, DataZoomOpts

import xalpha.remain as rm
from xalpha.cons import convert_date, line_opts, myround, xirr, yesterdayobj
from xalpha.exceptions import ParserFailure, TradeBehaviorError
from xalpha.record import irecord
import xalpha.universal as xu
from xalpha.universal import get_daily, get_rt

[docs]def xirrcal(cftable, trades, date, guess=0.1): """ calculate the xirr rate :param cftable: cftable (pd.Dateframe) with date and cash column :param trades: list [trade1, ...], every item is an trade object, whose shares would be sold out virtually :param date: string of date or datetime object, the date when virtually all holding positions being sold :param guess: floating number, a guess at the xirr rate solution to be used as a starting point for the numerical solution :returns: the IRR as a single floating number """ date = convert_date(date) partcftb = cftable[cftable["date"] <= date] if len(partcftb) == 0: return 0 cashflow = [(row["date"], row["cash"]) for i, row in partcftb.iterrows()] rede = 0 for fund in trades: if not isinstance(fund, itrade): rede += fund.aim.shuhui( fund.briefdailyreport(date).get("currentshare", 0), date, fund.remtable[fund.remtable["date"] <= date].iloc[-1].rem, )[1] else: # 场内交易 pricedf = xu.get_daily(fund.code, end=date.strftime("%Y%m%d"), prev=20) price = pricedf[ <= date].iloc[-1]["close"] rede += fund.cftable.share.sum() * price cashflow.append((date, rede)) return xirr(cashflow, guess)
[docs]def bottleneck(cftable): """ find the max total input in the history given cftable with cash column :param cftable: pd.DataFrame of cftable """ if len(cftable) == 0: return 0 # cftable = cftable.reset_index(drop=True) # unnecessary as iloc use natural rows instead of default index inputl = [-sum(cftable.iloc[:i].cash) for i in range(1, len(cftable) + 1)] return myround(max(inputl))
[docs]def turnoverrate(cftable, end=yesterdayobj()): """ calculate the annualized turnoverrate :param cftable: pd.DataFrame of cftable :param end: str or obj of datetime for the end date of the estimation """ if len(cftable) == 0: return 0 end = convert_date(end) start = cftable.iloc[0].date tradeamount = sum(abs(cftable.loc[:, "cash"])) turnover = tradeamount / bottleneck(cftable) / 2.0 if (end - start).days <= 0: return 0 return turnover * 365 / (end - start).days
[docs]def vtradevolume(cftable, freq="D", rendered=True): """ aid function on visualization of trade summary :param cftable: cftable (pandas.DataFrame) with at least date and cash columns :param freq: one character string, frequency label, now supporting D for date, W for week and M for month, namely the trade volume is shown based on the time unit :returns: the Bar object """ ### WARN: datazoom and time conflict, sliding till 1970..., need further look into pyeacharts ### very unsatisfied about current visualize effect, and it seems the order of add and set option matters a lot if freq == "D": datedata = [d.to_pydatetime() for d in cftable["date"]] selldata = [ [row["date"].to_pydatetime(), row["cash"]] for _, row in cftable.iterrows() if row["cash"] > 0 ] buydata = [ [row["date"].to_pydatetime(), row["cash"]] for _, row in cftable.iterrows() if row["cash"] < 0 ] elif freq == "W": cfmerge = cftable.groupby([cftable["date"].dt.year, cftable["date"].dt.week])[ "cash" ].sum() datedata = [ dt.datetime.strptime(str(a) + "4", "(%Y, %W)%w") for a, _ in cfmerge.iteritems() ] selldata = [ [dt.datetime.strptime(str(a) + "4", "(%Y, %W)%w"), b] for a, b in cfmerge.iteritems() if b > 0 ] buydata = [ [dt.datetime.strptime(str(a) + "4", "(%Y, %W)%w"), b] for a, b in cfmerge.iteritems() if b < 0 ] elif freq == "M": cfmerge = cftable.groupby([cftable["date"].dt.year, cftable["date"].dt.month])[ "cash" ].sum() datedata = [ dt.datetime.strptime(str(a) + "15", "(%Y, %m)%d") for a, _ in cfmerge.iteritems() ] selldata = [ [dt.datetime.strptime(str(a) + "15", "(%Y, %m)%d"), b] for a, b in cfmerge.iteritems() if b > 0 ] buydata = [ [dt.datetime.strptime(str(a) + "15", "(%Y, %m)%d"), b] for a, b in cfmerge.iteritems() if b < 0 ] else: raise ParserFailure("no such freq tag supporting") buydata = [[d, round(x, 1)] for d, x in buydata] selldata = [[d, round(x, 1)] for d, x in selldata] bar = Bar() bar.add_xaxis(datedata) # buydata should before selldata, since emptylist in the first line would make the output fig empty: may be bug in pyecharts bar.add_yaxis(series_name="买入", yaxis_data=buydata, category_gap="90%") bar.add_yaxis(series_name="卖出", yaxis_data=selldata, category_gap="90%") bar.set_global_opts( xaxis_opts=AxisOpts(type_="time"), datazoom_opts=[DataZoomOpts(range_start=99, range_end=100)], ) if rendered: return bar.render_notebook() else: return bar
[docs]class trade: """ Trade class with fundinfo obj as input and its main attrs are cftable and remtable: 1. cftable: pd.Dataframe, 现金流量表,每行为不同变更日期,三列分别为 date,cash, share,标记对于某个投资标的 现金的进出和份额的变化情况,所有的份额数据为交易当时的不复权数据。基金份额折算通过流量表中一次性的份额增减体现。 2. remtable:pd.Dataframe, 持仓情况表,每行为不同变更日期,两列分别为 date 和 rem, rem 数据结构是一个嵌套的列表, 包含了不同时间买入仓位的剩余情况,详情参见 remain 模块。这一表格如非必需,避免任何直接调用。 :param infoobj: info object as the trading aim :param status: status table, obtained from record class """
[docs] def __init__(self, infoobj, status): self.aim = infoobj code = self.aim.code self.code = code = self.cftable = pd.DataFrame([], columns=["date", "cash", "share"]) self.remtable = pd.DataFrame([], columns=["date", "rem"]) self.status = status.loc[:, ["date", code]] self._arrange()
[docs] def _arrange(self): while 1: try: self._addrow() except Exception as e: if e.args[0] == "no other info to be add into cashflow table": break else: raise e
[docs] def _addrow(self): """ Return cashflow table with one more line or raise an exception if there is no more line to add The same logic also applies to rem table 关于对于一个基金多个操作存在于同一交易日的说明:无法处理历史买入第一笔同时是分红日的情形, 事实上也不存在这种情形。无法处理一日多笔买卖的情形。 同一日既有卖也有买不现实,多笔买入只能在 csv 上合并记录,由此可能引起份额计算 0.01 的误差。可以处理分红日买入卖出的情形。 分级份额折算日封闭无法买入,所以程序直接忽略当天的买卖。因此不会出现多个操作共存的情形。 """ # the design on data remtable is disaster, it is very dangerous though works now code = self.aim.code if len(self.cftable) == 0: if len(self.status[self.status[code] != 0]) == 0: raise Exception("no other info to be add into cashflow table") i = 0 while self.status.iloc[i].loc[code] == 0: i += 1 value = self.status.iloc[i].loc[code] date = self.status.iloc[i].date if value > 0: rdate, cash, share = self.aim.shengou(value, date) rem =[], share, rdate) else: raise TradeBehaviorError("You cannot sell first when you never buy") elif len(self.cftable) > 0: recorddate = list( lastdate = self.cftable.iloc[-1].date + pd.Timedelta(1, unit="d") while (lastdate not in self.aim.specialdate) and ( (lastdate not in recorddate) or ( (lastdate in recorddate) and ( self.status[self.status["date"] == lastdate].loc[:, code].any() == 0 ) ) ): lastdate += pd.Timedelta(1, unit="d") if (lastdate - yesterdayobj()).days >= 1: raise Exception("no other info to be add into cashflow table") if (lastdate - yesterdayobj()).days >= 1: raise Exception("no other info to be add into cashflow table") date = lastdate label = self.aim.dividend_label # 现金分红 0, 红利再投 1 cash = 0 share = 0 rem = self.remtable.iloc[-1].rem rdate = date if (date in recorddate) and (date not in self.aim.zhesuandate): # deal with buy and sell and label the fenhongzaitouru, namely one label a 0.05 in the original table to label fenhongzaitouru value = self.status[self.status["date"] == date].iloc[0].loc[code] fenhongmark = round(10 * value - int(10 * value), 1) if fenhongmark == 0.5 and label == 0: label = 1 # fenhong reinvest value = round(value, 1) elif fenhongmark == 0.5 and label == 1: label = 0 value = round(value, 1) if value > 0: # value stands for purchase money rdate, dcash, dshare = self.aim.shengou(value, date) rem =, dshare, rdate) elif value < -0.005: # value stands for redemp share rdate, dcash, dshare = self.aim.shuhui( -value, date, self.remtable.iloc[-1].rem ) _, rem = rm.sell(rem, -dshare, rdate) elif value >= -0.005 and value < 0: # value now stands for the ratio to be sold in terms of remain positions, -0.005 stand for sell 100% remainshare = sum(self.cftable.loc[:, "share"]) ratio = -value / 0.005 rdate, dcash, dshare = self.aim.shuhui( remainshare * ratio, date, self.remtable.iloc[-1].rem ) _, rem = rm.sell(rem, -dshare, rdate) else: # in case value=0, when specialday is in record day rdate, dcash, dshare = date, 0, 0 cash += dcash share += dshare if date in self.aim.specialdate: # deal with fenhong and xiazhe comment = ( self.aim.price[self.aim.price["date"] == date] .iloc[0] .loc["comment"] ) if isinstance(comment, float): if comment < 0: dcash2, dshare2 = ( 0, sum([myround(sh * (-comment - 1)) for _, sh in rem]), ) # xiazhe are seperately carried out based on different purchase date rem = rm.trans(rem, -comment, date) # myround(sum(cftable.loc[:,'share'])*(-comment-1)) elif comment > 0 and label == 0: dcash2, dshare2 = ( myround(sum(self.cftable.loc[:, "share"]) * comment), 0, ) rem = rm.copy(rem) elif comment > 0 and label == 1: dcash2, dshare2 = ( 0, myround( sum(self.cftable.loc[:, "share"]) * ( comment / self.aim.price[self.aim.price["date"] == date] .iloc[0] .netvalue ) ), ) rem =, dshare2, date) cash += dcash2 share += dshare2 else: raise ParserFailure("comments not recognized") self.cftable = self.cftable.append( pd.DataFrame([[rdate, cash, share]], columns=["date", "cash", "share"]), ignore_index=True, ) self.remtable = self.remtable.append( pd.DataFrame([[rdate, rem]], columns=["date", "rem"]), ignore_index=True )
[docs] def xirrrate(self, date=yesterdayobj(), guess=0.1): """ give the xirr rate for all the trade of the aim before date (virtually sold out on date) :param date: string or obj of datetime, the virtually sell-all date """ return xirrcal(self.cftable, [self], date, guess)
[docs] def dailyreport(self, date=yesterdayobj()): date = convert_date(date) partcftb = self.cftable[self.cftable["date"] <= date] value = self.get_netvalue(date) if len(partcftb) == 0: reportdict = { "基金名称": [], "基金代码": [self.code], "当日净值": [value], "持有份额": [0], "基金现值": [0], "基金总申购": [0], "历史最大占用": [0], "基金分红与赎回": [0], "基金收益总额": [0], } df = pd.DataFrame(reportdict, columns=reportdict.keys()) return df # totinput = myround(-sum(partcftb.loc[:,'cash'])) totinput = myround( -sum([row["cash"] for _, row in partcftb.iterrows() if row["cash"] < 0]) ) totoutput = myround( sum([row["cash"] for _, row in partcftb.iterrows() if row["cash"] > 0]) ) currentshare = myround(sum(partcftb.loc[:, "share"])) currentcash = myround(currentshare * value) btnk = bottleneck(partcftb) turnover = turnoverrate(partcftb, date) ereturn = myround(currentcash + totoutput - totinput) if currentshare == 0: unitcost = 0 else: unitcost = round((totinput - totoutput) / currentshare, 4) if btnk == 0: returnrate = 0 else: returnrate = round((ereturn / btnk) * 100, 4) reportdict = { "基金名称": [], "基金代码": [self.code], "当日净值": [value], "单位成本": [unitcost], "持有份额": [currentshare], "基金现值": [currentcash], "基金总申购": [totinput], "历史最大占用": [btnk], "基金持有成本": [totinput - totoutput], "基金分红与赎回": [totoutput], "换手率": [turnover], "基金收益总额": [ereturn], "投资收益率": [returnrate], } df = pd.DataFrame(reportdict, columns=reportdict.keys()) return df
[docs] def get_netvalue(self, date=yesterdayobj()): return self.aim.price[self.aim.price["date"] <= date].iloc[-1].netvalue
[docs] def briefdailyreport(self, date=yesterdayobj()): """ quick summary of highly used attrs for trade :param date: string or object of datetime :returns: dict with several attrs: date, unitvalue, currentshare, currentvalue """ date = convert_date(date) partcftb = self.cftable[self.cftable["date"] <= date] if len(partcftb) == 0: return {} unitvalue = self.get_netvalue(date) currentshare = myround(sum(partcftb.loc[:, "share"])) currentvalue = myround(currentshare * unitvalue) return { "date": date, "unitvalue": unitvalue, "currentshare": currentshare, "currentvalue": currentvalue, }
[docs] def unitcost(self, date=yesterdayobj()): """ give the unitcost of fund positions :param date: string or object of datetime :returns: float number of unitcost """ partcftb = self.cftable[self.cftable["date"] <= date] if len(partcftb) == 0: return 0 totnetinput = myround(-sum(partcftb.loc[:, "cash"])) currentshare = self.briefdailyreport(date).get("currentshare", 0) # totnetinput if currentshare > 0: unitcost = totnetinput / currentshare else: unitcost = 0 return unitcost
[docs] def v_tradevolume(self, freq="D", rendered=True): """ visualization on trade summary :param freq: string, "D", "W" and "M" are supported :returns: """ return vtradevolume(self.cftable, freq=freq, rendered=rendered)
[docs] def v_tradecost(self, start=None, end=yesterdayobj(), rendered=True, vopts=None): """ visualization giving the average cost line together with netvalue line :param vopts: global option for line in pyecharts :returns: pyecharts.line """ funddata = [] costdata = [] pprice = self.aim.price[self.aim.price["date"] <= end] if start is not None: pprice = pprice[pprice["date"] >= start] for _, row in pprice.iterrows(): date = row["date"] funddata.append(row["netvalue"]) cost = 0 if (date - self.cftable.iloc[0].date).days >= 0: cost = self.unitcost(date) costdata.append(cost) line = Line() if vopts is None: vopts = line_opts line.add_xaxis([ for d in]) line.add_yaxis(series_name="基金净值", y_axis=funddata, is_symbol_show=False) line.add_yaxis(series_name="持仓成本", y_axis=costdata, is_symbol_show=False) line.set_global_opts(**vopts) if rendered: return line.render_notebook() else: return line
[docs] def v_totvalue(self, end=yesterdayobj(), rendered=True, vopts=None): """ visualization on the total values daily change of the aim """ partp = self.aim.price[self.aim.price["date"] >= self.cftable.iloc[0].date] partp = partp[partp["date"] <= end] date = [ for d in] valuedata = [ self.briefdailyreport(d).get("currentvalue", 0) for d in ] line = Line() if vopts is None: vopts = line_opts line.add_xaxis(date) line.add_yaxis(series_name="持仓总值", y_axis=valuedata, is_symbol_show=False) line.set_global_opts(**vopts) if rendered: return line.render_notebook() else: return line
def __repr__(self): return + " 交易情况"
""" 可视化图的合并可参考以下代码 v0.5.5 from pyecharts import Overlap overlap = Overlap() overlap.add(self.v_tradecost()) overlap.add(self.v_tradevolume(bar_category_gap='95%'), yaxis_index=1,is_add_yaxis=True) overlap """
[docs]class itrade(trade): """ 场内交易,只包含 cftable 现金流表 """
[docs] def __init__(self, code, status, name=None): """ :param code: str. 代码格式与 :func:`xalpha.universal.get_daily` 要求相同 :param status: 记账单或 irecord 类。 :param name: Optional[str]. 可提供标的名称。 """ self.code = code if isinstance(status, irecord): self.status = status.filter(code) else: self.status = status[status.code == code] # self.cftable = pd.DataFrame([], columns=["date", "cash", "share"]) self._arrange() if not name: try: = get_rt(code)["name"] except: = code
[docs] def _arrange(self): d = {"date": [], "cash": [], "share": []} for _, r in self.status.iterrows(): d["date"].append( d["cash"].append(-r.value * r.share - r.fee) # 手续费总是正的,和买入同号 d["share"].append(r.share) self.cftable = pd.DataFrame(d)
[docs] def v_totvalue(self, **kws): raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def v_tradecost(self, **kws): raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def get_netvalue(self, date=yesterdayobj()): # 若使用请务必配合带 precached 的缓存策略!! if not getattr(self, "fetchonly", None): self.fetchonly = False prestart = self.status.iloc[0]["date"] df = xu.get_daily( self.code, end=date.strftime("%Y%m%d"), prev=20, fetchonly=self.fetchonly, precached=prestart.strftime("%Y%m%d"), ) self.fetchonly = True # 这么做防止数据空白时期的反复抓取 if len(df) > 0: return df.iloc[-1].close else: return 0
Trade = trade ITrade = itrade