Source code for xalpha.universal

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
modules for universal fetcher that gives historical daily data and realtime data
for almost everything in the market

import requests
import time
import datetime as dt
import pandas as pd
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
from functools import wraps

from import fundinfo, mfundinfo
from xalpha.cons import connection_errors

[docs]def rget(*args, **kws): tries = 5 for count in range(tries): try: r = requests.get(*args, **kws) return r except connection_errors as e: if count == tries - 1: print(*args, sep="\n") raise e time.sleep(1)
[docs]def rpost(*args, **kws): tries = 5 for count in range(tries): try: r =*args, **kws) return r except connection_errors as e: if count == tries - 1: print(*args, sep="\n") raise e time.sleep(1)
[docs]def today_obj(): now = return now.replace(hour=0, minute=0, second=0, microsecond=0)
[docs]def tomorrow_ts(): dto = + dt.timedelta(1) return dto.timestamp()
[docs]def get_token(): r = rget("", headers={"user-agent": "Mozilla"}) return r.cookies["xq_a_token"]
[docs]def get_history( code, prefix="SH", count=365, token="a664afb60c7036c7947578ac1a5860c4cfb6b3b5" ): url = "{prefix}{code}&begin={tomorrow}&period=day&type=before&count=-{count}" data = rget( url.format( code=code, prefix=prefix, tomorrow=int(tomorrow_ts() * 1000), count=count ), cookies={"xq_a_token": token}, headers={"user-agent": "Mozilla/5.0"}, ) return data.json()
[docs]def ts2pdts(ts): tz_bj = dt.timezone(dt.timedelta(hours=8)) dto = dt.datetime.fromtimestamp(ts / 1000, tz=tz_bj).replace(tzinfo=None) return dto.replace( hour=0, minute=0, second=0, microsecond=0 ) # 雪球美股数据时间戳是美国0点,按北京时区换回时间后,把时分秒扔掉就重合了
[docs]def get_xueqiu(code, count): r = get_history(code=code, prefix="", count=count, token=get_token()) df = pd.DataFrame(data=r["data"]["item"], columns=r["data"]["column"]) df["date"] = (df["timestamp"]).apply(ts2pdts) # reset hours to zero return df
[docs]def get_cninvesting(curr_id, st_date, end_date): r = rpost( "", data={ "curr_id": curr_id, # "smlID": smlID, # ? but seems to be fixed with curr_id, it turns out it doesn't matter "st_date": st_date, "end_date": end_date, "interval_sec": "Daily", "sort_col": "date", "sort_ord": "DESC", "action": "historical_data", }, headers={ "User-Agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_14_4)\ AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko)", "Host": "", "X-Requested-With": "XMLHttpRequest", }, ) s = BeautifulSoup(r.text, "lxml") dfdict = {} cols = [] for col in s.find_all("th"): dfdict[str(col.contents[0])] = [] cols.append(str(col.contents[0])) num_cols = len(cols) for i, td in enumerate(s.find_all("td")[:-5]): if cols[i % num_cols] == "日期": dfdict[cols[i % num_cols]].append( dt.datetime.strptime(str(td.string), "%Y年%m月%d日") ) else: dfdict[cols[i % num_cols]].append(str(td.string)) return pd.DataFrame(dfdict)
[docs]def prettify(df): _map = { "日期": "date", "收盘": "close", "开盘": "open", "高": "high", "低": "low", "涨跌幅": "percent", } df.rename(_map, axis=1, inplace=True) if len(df) > 1 and df.iloc[1]["date"] < df.iloc[0]["date"]: df = df[::-1] df = df[["date", "open", "close", "high", "low", "percent"]] for k in ["open", "close", "high", "low"]: df[k] = df[k].apply(_float) return df
[docs]def dstr2dobj(dstr): if len(dstr.split("/")) > 1: d_obj = dt.datetime.strptime(dstr, "%Y/%m/%d") elif len(dstr.split(".")) > 1: d_obj = dt.datetime.strptime(dstr, "%Y.%m.%d") elif len(dstr.split("-")) > 1: d_obj = dt.datetime.strptime(dstr, "%Y-%m-%d") else: d_obj = dt.datetime.strptime(dstr, "%Y%m%d") return d_obj
[docs]def get_investing_id(suburl): url = "" if not suburl.startswith("/"): url += "/" url += suburl r = rget( url, headers={ "User-Agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_14_4) AppleWebKit/537.36" }, ) s = BeautifulSoup(r.text, "lxml") pid = s.find("span", id="last_last")["class"][-1].split("-")[1] return pid
[docs]def get_rmb(start=None, end=None, prev=360, currency="USD/CNY"): """ 获取人民币汇率中间价 :param start: :param end: :param prev: :param currency: :return: pd.DataFrame """ url = "{start_str}&endDate={end_str}&currency={currency}&pageNum=1&pageSize=300" if not end: end_obj = today_obj() else: end_obj = dstr2dobj(end) if not start: start_obj = end_obj - dt.timedelta(prev) else: start_obj = dstr2dobj(start) start_str = start_obj.strftime("%Y-%m-%d") end_str = end_obj.strftime("%Y-%m-%d") count = (end_obj - start_obj).days + 1 rl = [] if count <= 360: r = rpost(url.format(start_str=start_str, end_str=end_str, currency=currency)) rl.extend(r.json()["records"]) else: # data more than 1 year cannot be fetched once due to API limitation sepo_obj = end_obj sepn_obj = sepo_obj - dt.timedelta(360) # sep0_obj = end_obj - dt.timedelta(361) while sepn_obj > start_obj: # [sepn sepo] r = rpost( url.format( start_str=sepn_obj.strftime("%Y-%m-%d"), end_str=sepo_obj.strftime("%Y-%m-%d"), currency=currency, ) ) rl.extend(r.json()["records"]) sepo_obj = sepn_obj - dt.timedelta(1) sepn_obj = sepo_obj - dt.timedelta(360) r = rpost( url.format( start_str=start_obj.strftime("%Y-%m-%d"), end_str=sepo_obj.strftime("%Y-%m-%d"), currency=currency, ) ) rl.extend(r.json()["records"]) data = {"date": [], "close": []} for d in rl: data["date"].append(pd.Timestamp(d["date"])) data["close"].append(d["values"][0]) df = pd.DataFrame(data) df = df[::-1] df["close"] = pd.to_numeric(df["close"]) return df
[docs]def get_fund(code): if code[0] == "F": df = fundinfo(code[1:]).price elif code[0] == "M": df = mfundinfo(code[1:]).price df["close"] = df["netvalue"] return df[["date", "close"]]
[docs]def get_daily(code, start=None, end=None, prev=365, _from=None): """ universal fetcher for daily historical data of literally everything has a value in market. 数据来源包括天天基金,雪球,英为财情,外汇局官网 :param code: str. 1. 对于沪深市场的股票,指数,ETF,LOF 基金,可转债和债券,直接使用其代码,主要开头需要包括 SH 或者 SZ。 2. 对于香港市场的股票,指数,使用其数字代码,同时开头要添加 HK。 3. 对于美国市场的股票,指数,ETF 等,直接使用其字母缩写代码即可。 4. 对于人民币中间价数据,使用 "USD/CNY" 的形式,具体可能的值可在 历史数据的横栏查询 5. 对于所有可以在 网站查到的金融产品,其代码可以是该网站对应的统一代码,或者是网址部分,比如 DAX 30 的概览页面为,那么对应代码即为 "indices/germany-30"。也可去网页 inspect 手动查找其内部代码(一般不需要自己做,推荐直接使用网页url作为 code 变量值),手动 inspect 加粗的实时价格,其对应的网页 span class 中的 pid 的数值即为内部代码。 6. 对于国内发行的基金,使用基金代码,同时开头添加 F。 7. 对于国内发行的货币基金,使用基金代码,同时开头添加 M。(全部按照净值数据处理) :param start: str. "20200101", "2020/01/01", "2020-01-01" are all legal. The starting date of daily data. :param end: str. format is the same as start. The ending date of daily data. :param prev: Optional[int], default 365. If start is not specified, start = end-prev. :param _from: Optional[str]. can be one of "xueqiu", "zjj", "investing", "tiantianjijin". Only used for debug to enfore data source. For common use, _from can be chosed automatically based on code in the run time. :return: pd.Dataframe. must include cols: date[pd.Timestampe],close[float64]。 """ if not end: end_obj = today_obj() else: end_obj = dstr2dobj(end) if not start: start_obj = end_obj - dt.timedelta(prev) else: start_obj = dstr2dobj(start) if not _from: if code.startswith("SH") or code.startswith("SZ"): _from = "xueqiu" elif code.endswith("/CNY") or code.startswith("CNY/"): _from = "zjj" elif len(code.split("/")) > 1: _from = "cninvesting" code = get_investing_id(code) elif code.isdigit(): _from = "cninvesting" elif code[0] in ["F", "M"] and code[1:].isdigit(): _from = "ttjj" elif code.startswith("HK") and code[2:].isdigit() and len(code) == 7: _from = "xueqiu" code = code[2:] else: _from = "xueqiu" count = (today_obj() - start_obj).days + 1 start_str = start_obj.strftime("%Y/%m/%d") end_str = end_obj.strftime("%Y/%m/%d") if _from in ["cninvesting", "investing", "default"]: df = get_cninvesting(code, start_str, end_str) return prettify(df) elif _from in ["xueqiu", "xq", "snowball"]: df = get_xueqiu(code, count) df = df[ <= end_str] df = df[ >= start_str] return prettify(df) elif _from in ["zhongjianjia", "zjj", "chinamoney"]: df = get_rmb(start, end, prev, currency=code) return df elif _from in ["ttjj", "tiantianjijin", "xalpha", "eastmoney"]: df = get_fund(code) df = df[ <= end_str] df = df[ >= start_str] return df
def _float(n): try: n = n.replace(",", "") except AttributeError: pass return float(n)
[docs]def get_xueqiu_rt(code, token="a664afb60c7036c7947578ac1a5860c4cfb6b3b5"): url = "{code}&extend=detail" r = rget( url.format(code=code), cookies={"xq_a_token": token}, headers={"user-agent": "Mozilla/5.0"}, ) r = r.json() n = r["data"]["quote"]["name"] q = r["data"]["quote"]["current"] q_ext = r["data"]["quote"].get("current_ext", None) percent = r["data"]["quote"]["percent"] currency = r["data"]["quote"]["currency"] return { "name": n, "current": _float(q), "percent": _float(percent), "current_ext": _float(q_ext) if q_ext else None, "currency": currency, }
[docs]def get_cninvesting_rt(suburl): url = "" if not suburl.startswith("/"): url += "/" url += suburl r = rget( url, headers={ "User-Agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_14_4) AppleWebKit/537.36" }, ) s = BeautifulSoup(r.text, "lxml") last_last = s.find("span", id="last_last") q = _float(last_last.string) name = s.find("h1").string.strip() ind = 0 l = s.find("div", class_="lighterGrayFont").contents for i, c in enumerate(l): if isinstance(c, str) and c.strip() == "货币": ind = i break if ind == 0: currency = None else: currency = l[ind - 1].string percent = _float( s.find("span", attrs={"dir": "ltr", "class": "parentheses"}).string[:-1] ) panhou = s.find("div", class_="afterHoursInfo") if panhou: q_ext = _float(panhou.find("span").string) else: q_ext = None return { "name": name, "current": q, "current_ext": q_ext, "currency": currency, "percent": percent, }
[docs]def get_rt(code, _from=None): """ universal fetcher for realtime price of literally everything. :param code: str. 规则同 :func:`get_daily`. 需要注意场外基金和外汇中间价是不支持实时行情的,因为其每日只有一个报价。对于 investing 的数据源,只支持网址格式代码。 :param _from: Optional[str]. can be one of "xueqiu", "investing". Only used for debug to enfore data source. For common use, _from can be chosed automatically based on code in the run time. :return: Dict[str, Any]. 包括 "name", "current", "percent" 三个必有项和 "current_ext"(盘后价格), "currency" (计价货币)两个值可能为 ``None`` 的选项。 """ if not _from: if len(code.split("/")) > 1: _from = "investing" elif code.startswith("HK") and code[2:].isdigit(): _from = "xueqiu" code = code[2:] else: _from = "xueqiu" if _from in ["cninvesting", "investing"]: return get_cninvesting_rt(code) elif _from in ["xueqiu", "xq", "snowball"]: return get_xueqiu_rt(code, token=get_token())
get_realtime = get_rt _cached_data = {}
[docs]def reset_cache(): """ clear all cache of daily data :return: None. """ global _cached_data _cached_data = {}
[docs]def cached(s): """ Usage as follows: .. code-block:: python @cached("20170101") def get_daily(*args, **kws): return xa.get_daily(*args, **kws) Automatically cache the result in memory and avoid refetching :param s: str. eg. "20160101", the starting date of cached table. :return: wrapped function. """ def cached_start(f): @wraps(f) def wrapper(*args, **kws): if args: code = args[0] else: code = kws.get("code") start = kws.get("start", None) end = kws.get("end", None) prev = kws.get("prev", None) if not prev: prev = 365 if not end: end_obj = today_obj() else: end_obj = dstr2dobj(end) if not start: start_obj = end_obj - dt.timedelta(prev) else: start_obj = dstr2dobj(start) start_str = start_obj.strftime("%Y%m%d") end_str = end_obj.strftime("%Y%m%d") kws["start"] = s kws["end"] ="%Y%m%d") global _cached_data _cached_data.setdefault(s, {}) if code not in _cached_data[s]: df = f(*args, **kws) # print("cached %s" % code) _cached_data[s][code] = df else: pass # print("directly call cache") df = _cached_data[s][code] df = df[df["date"] <= end_str] df = df[df["date"] >= start_str] return df return wrapper return cached_start