Source code for xalpha.multiple

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
module for mul and mulfix class: fund combination management

import pandas as pd
from pyecharts import options as opts
from pyecharts.charts import Pie, ThemeRiver

from xalpha.cons import convert_date, myround, pie_opts, yesterdaydash, yesterdayobj
from xalpha.evaluate import evaluate
from xalpha.exceptions import FundTypeError, TradeBehaviorError
from xalpha.indicator import indicator
from import cashinfo, fundinfo, mfundinfo
from import bottleneck, trade, turnoverrate, vtradevolume, xirrcal

[docs]class mul: """ multiple fund positions manage class :param fundtradeobj: list of trade obj which you want to analyse together :param status: the status table of trade, all code in this table would be considered. one must provide one of the two paramters, if both are offered, status will be overlooked :param fetch: boolean, when open the fetch option, info class will try fetching from local files first in the init :param save: boolean, when open the save option, info classes automatically save the class to files :param path: string, the file path prefix of IO, or object or engine from sqlalchemy to connect sql database :param form: string, the format of IO, options including: 'csv','sql' """ def __init__( self, *fundtradeobj, status=None, fetch=False, save=False, path="", form="csv" ): if not fundtradeobj: # warning: not a very good way to automatic generate these fund obj # because there might be some funds use round_down for share calculation, ie, label=2 must be given # unless you are sure corresponding funds are added to the droplist fundtradeobj = [] for code in status.columns[1:]: try: fundtradeobj.append( trade( fundinfo( code, fetch=fetch, save=save, path=path, form=form ), status, ) ) except FundTypeError: fundtradeobj.append( trade( mfundinfo( code, fetch=fetch, save=save, path=path, form=form ), status, ) ) self.fundtradeobj = tuple(fundtradeobj) self.totcftable = self._mergecftb()
[docs] def tot(self, prop="基金现值", date=yesterdayobj()): """ sum of all the values from one prop of fund daily report, of coures many of the props make no sense to sum :param prop: string defined in the daily report dict, typical one is 'currentvalue' or 'originalpurchase' """ res = 0 for fund in self.fundtradeobj: res += fund.dailyreport().iloc[0][prop] return res
[docs] def combsummary(self, date=yesterdayobj()): """ brief report table of every funds and the combination investment :param date: string or obj of date, show info of the date given :returns: empty dict if nothing is remaining that date dict of various data on the trade positions """ date = convert_date(date) columns = [ "基金名称", "基金代码", "当日净值", "单位成本", "持有份额", "基金现值", "基金总申购", "历史最大占用", "基金持有成本", "基金分红与赎回", "换手率", "基金收益总额", "投资收益率", ] summarydf = pd.DataFrame([], columns=columns) for fund in self.fundtradeobj: summarydf = summarydf.append( fund.dailyreport(date), ignore_index=True, sort=True ) tname = "总计" tcode = "total" tunitvalue = float("NaN") tunitcost = float("NaN") tholdshare = float("NaN") tcurrentvalue = summarydf["基金现值"].sum() tpurchase = summarydf["基金总申购"].sum() tbtnk = bottleneck(self.totcftable[self.totcftable["date"] <= date]) tcost = summarydf["基金持有成本"].sum() toutput = summarydf["基金分红与赎回"].sum() tturnover = turnoverrate(self.totcftable[self.totcftable["date"] <= date], date) # 计算的是总系统作为整体和外界的换手率,而非系统各成分之间的换手率 tearn = summarydf["基金收益总额"].sum() trate = round(tearn / tbtnk * 100, 4) trow = pd.DataFrame( [ [ tname, tcode, tunitvalue, tunitcost, tholdshare, tcurrentvalue, tpurchase, tbtnk, tcost, toutput, tturnover, tearn, trate, ] ], columns=columns, ) summarydf = summarydf.append(trow, ignore_index=True, sort=True) return summarydf[columns].sort_values(by="基金现值", ascending=False)
def _mergecftb(self): """ merge the different cftable for different funds into one table """ dtlist = [] for fund in self.fundtradeobj: dtlist2 = [] for _, row in fund.cftable.iterrows(): dtlist2.append((row["date"], row["cash"])) dtlist.extend(dtlist2) nndtlist = set([item[0] for item in dtlist]) nndtlist = sorted(list(nndtlist), key=lambda x: x) reslist = [] for date in nndtlist: reslist.append(sum([item[1] for item in dtlist if item[0] == date])) df = pd.DataFrame(data={"date": nndtlist, "cash": reslist}) df = df[df["cash"] != 0] df = df.reset_index(drop=True) return df
[docs] def xirrrate(self, date=yesterdayobj(), guess=0.1): """ xirr rate evauation of the whole invest combination """ return xirrcal(self.totcftable, self.fundtradeobj, date, guess)
[docs] def evaluation(self, start=None): """ give the evaluation object to analysis funds properties themselves instead of trades :returns: :class:`xalpha.evaluate.evaluate` object, with referenced funds the same as funds we invested """ case = evaluate( *[fundtrade.aim for fundtrade in self.fundtradeobj], start=start ) return case
[docs] def v_positions(self, date=yesterdayobj(), vopts=None): """ pie chart visualization of positions ratio in combination """ sdata = sorted( [ (, fob.briefdailyreport(date).get("currentvalue", 0)) for fob in self.fundtradeobj ], key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True, ) pie = Pie() if vopts is None: vopts = pie_opts pie.add(series_name="总值占比", data_pair=sdata) pie.set_global_opts(**vopts) return pie.render_notebook()
[docs] def v_positions_history(self, end=yesterdaydash(), **vkwds): """ river chart visulization of positions ratio history use text size to avoid legend overlap in some sense, eg. legend_text_size=8 """ start = self.totcftable.iloc[0].date times = pd.date_range(start, end) tdata = [] for date in times: sdata = sorted( [ ( date, fob.briefdailyreport(date).get("currentvalue", 0),, ) for fob in self.fundtradeobj ], key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True, ) tdata.extend(sdata) tr = ThemeRiver() tr.add( series_name=[ for foj in self.fundtradeobj], data=tdata, label_opts=opts.LabelOpts(is_show=False), singleaxis_opts=opts.SingleAxisOpts(type_="time", pos_bottom="10%"), ) return tr.render_notebook()
[docs] def v_tradevolume(self, freq="D"): """ visualization on trade summary of the funds combination :param freq: one character string, frequency label, now supporting D for date, W for week and M for month, namely the trade volume is shown based on the time unit :returns: pyecharts.Bar() """ return vtradevolume(self.totcftable, freq=freq)
[docs]class mulfix(mul, indicator): """ introduce cash to make a closed investment system, where netvalue analysis can be applied namely the totcftable only has one row at the very beginning :param fundtradeobj: trade obj to be include :param status: status table, if no trade obj is provided, it will include all fund based on code in status table :param fetch: boolean, when open the fetch option, info class will try fetching from local files first in the init :param save: boolean, when open the save option, info classes automatically save the class to files :param path: string, the file path prefix of IO, or object or engine from sqlalchemy to connect sql database :param form: string, the format of IO, options including: 'csv','sql' :param totmoney: positive float, the total money as the input at the beginning :param cashobj: cashinfo object, which is designed to balance the cash in and out """ def __init__( self, *fundtradeobj, status=None, fetch=False, save=False, path="", form="csv", totmoney=100000, cashobj=None ): super().__init__( *fundtradeobj, status=status, fetch=fetch, save=save, path=path, form=form ) if cashobj is None: cashobj = cashinfo() self.totmoney = totmoney nst = mulfix._vcash(totmoney, self.totcftable, cashobj) cashtrade = trade(cashobj, nst) # super().__init__(*self.fundtradeobj, cashtrade) self.fundtradeobj = list(self.fundtradeobj) self.fundtradeobj.append(cashtrade) self.fundtradeobj = tuple(self.fundtradeobj) btnk = bottleneck(self.totcftable) if btnk > totmoney: raise TradeBehaviorError("the initial total cash is too low") self.totcftable = pd.DataFrame( data={"date": [nst.iloc[0].date], "cash": [-totmoney]} ) def _vcash(totmoney, totcftable, cashobj): """ return a virtue status table with a mf(cash) column based on the given tot money and cftable """ cashl = [] cashl.append(totmoney + totcftable.iloc[0].cash) for i in range(len(totcftable) - 1): date = totcftable.iloc[i + 1].date delta = totcftable.iloc[i + 1].cash if delta < 0: cashl.append( myround( delta / cashobj.price[cashobj.price["date"] <= date].iloc[-1].netvalue ) ) else: cashl.append(delta) datadict = {"date": totcftable.loc[:, "date"], "mf": cashl} return pd.DataFrame(data=datadict)
[docs] def unitvalue(self, date=yesterdayobj()): """ :returns: float at unitvalue of the whole investment combination """ date = convert_date(date) res = 0 for fund in self.fundtradeobj: res += fund.briefdailyreport(date).get("currentvalue", 0) return res / self.totmoney