Source code for xalpha.cons

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
basic constants and utility functions

import datetime as dt
import os
from decimal import Decimal
import requests

import pandas as pd
from pyecharts.options import (
from scipy import optimize

from xalpha import __path__

# date obj of today
today = lambda: dt.datetime.combine(, dt.time.min)

# string for yesterday, only used for indexinfo url
yesterday = lambda: dt.datetime.strftime(
    ( - dt.timedelta(1)), "%Y%m%d"

# string for yesterday with dash
yesterdaydash = lambda: dt.datetime.strftime(
    ( - dt.timedelta(1)), "%Y-%m-%d"

# datetime obj for yesterdate date with time set to be 0:0:0
yesterdayobj = lambda: dt.datetime.strptime(yesterdaydash(), "%Y-%m-%d")

# list: all the trade date of domestic stock market in the form of string
caldate = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(__path__[0], "caldate.csv"))
opendate = list(caldate[caldate["is_open"] == 1]["cal_date"])
# directly use the tushare API instead of import tushare package for simplicity
# opendate = list(ts.trade_cal()[ts.trade_cal()['isOpen']==1]['calendarDate'])

# fund code list which always round down for the purchase share approximation
droplist = ["003318", "000311"]

connection_errors = (

line_opts = {
    "datazoom_opts": [
        DataZoomOpts(is_show=True, type_="slider", range_start=50, range_end=100),
    "tooltip_opts": TooltipOpts(
        is_show=True, trigger="axis", trigger_on="mousemove", axis_pointer_type="cross"

heatmap_opts = {
    "visualmap_opts": VisualMapOpts(
        min_=-1, max_=1, orient="horizontal", pos_right="middle", pos_top="bottom"

pie_opts = {
    "tooltip_opts": TooltipOpts(),
    "legend_opts": LegendOpts(orient="vertical", pos_left="left"),

themeriver_opts = {
    "xaxis_opts": AxisOpts(type_="time"),
    "datazoom_opts": [DataZoomOpts(range_start=60, range_end=100)],
    "tooltip_opts": TooltipOpts(trigger_on="mousemove", trigger="item"),
    "legend_opts": LegendOpts(pos_top="top"),

[docs]def xnpv(rate, cashflows): """ give the current cash value based on future cashflows :param rate: float, the preset year rate :param cashflows: a list, in which each element is a tuple of the form (date, amount), where date is a datetime object and amount is an integer or floating number. Cash outflows (investments) are represented with negative amounts, and cash inflows (returns) are positive amounts. :returns: a single float value which is the NPV of the given cash flows """ chron_order = sorted(cashflows, key=lambda x: x[0]) t0 = chron_order[0][0] return sum([cf / (1 + rate) ** ((t - t0).days / 365.0) for (t, cf) in chron_order])
[docs]def xirr(cashflows, guess=0.1): """ calculate the Internal Rate of Return of a series of cashflows at irregular intervals. :param cashflows: a list, in which each element is a tuple of the form (date, amount), where date is a datetime object and amount is an integer or floating number. Cash outflows (investments) are represented with negative amounts, and cash inflows (returns) are positive amounts. :param guess: floating number, a guess at the xirr rate solution to be used as a starting point for the numerical solution :returns: the IRR as a single floating number """ return optimize.newton(lambda r: xnpv(r, cashflows), guess)
[docs]def myround(num, label=1): """ correct implementation of round with round half up, round to 2 decimals :param num: the floating number, to be rounded :param label: integer 1 or 2, 1 for round half up while 2 for always round down :returns: the float number after rounding, with two decimals """ if label == 1: res = float( Decimal(str(num)).quantize(Decimal("0.01"), rounding="ROUND_HALF_UP") ) elif ( label == 2 ): # for jingshunchangcheng... who just omit the overflow share behind 2 decimal res = float(Decimal(str(num)).quantize(Decimal("0.01"), rounding="ROUND_DOWN")) return res
[docs]def convert_date(date): """ convert date into datetime object :param date: string of form '2017-01-01' or datetime object :returns: corresponding datetime object """ if isinstance(date, str): return pd.Timestamp(date) else: return date