Source code for xalpha.evaluate

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
modules for evaluation and comparison on multiple object with price dataframe

from pyecharts.charts import HeatMap, Line

from xalpha.cons import convert_date, heatmap_opts, line_opts, yesterdayobj

[docs]class evaluate: """ 多个 info 对象的比较类,比较的对象只要实现了 price 属性,该属性为具有 date 和 netvalue 列的 pandas.DataFrame 即可。 更进一步,也可讲做过 bcmkset 的 :class:`xalpha.multiple.mulfix` 类作为输入,只不过此时需要提前额外指定以下该对象的 name 和 code 两个属性。 由于该类需要各基金净值表可以严格对齐,因此需要对节假日和国内不同的 QDII 基金进行补齐,由于第一个基金为基准,因此第一个输入不建议是 QDII 基金 :param fundobjs: info object,或者如前所述一切具有 price 表的对象 :param start: date string or object, 比较的起始时间,默认使用所有 price 表中最近的起始时间。 但需要注意,由于拉取的基金净值表,往往在开始几天缺失净值数据,即使使用默认时间也可能无法对齐所有净值数据。 因此建议手动设置起始时间到最近的起始时间一周后左右。 """
[docs] def __init__(self, *fundobjs, start=None): self.fundobjs = fundobjs self.totprice = ( self.fundobjs[0] .price[["date", "netvalue"]] .rename(columns={"netvalue": fundobjs[0].code}) ) for fundobj in fundobjs[1:]: self.totprice = self.totprice.merge( fundobj.price[["date", "netvalue"]].rename( columns={"netvalue": fundobj.code} ), on="date", ) startdate = self.totprice.iloc[0].date if start is None: self.start = startdate else: start = convert_date(start) if start < startdate: raise Exception("Too early start date") else: self.start = start self.totprice = self.totprice[self.totprice["date"] >= self.start] self.totprice = self.totprice.reset_index(drop=True) for col in self.totprice.columns: if col != "date": self.totprice[col] = self.totprice[col] / self.totprice[col].iloc[0]
[docs] def v_netvalue(self, end=yesterdayobj(), vopts=None, rendered=True): """ 起点对齐归一的,各参考基金或指数的净值比较可视化 :param end: string or object of date, the end date of the line :param vkwds: pyechart line.add() options :param vopts: dict, options for pyecharts instead of builtin settings :returns: pyecharts.charts.Line.render_notebook() """ partprice = self.totprice[self.totprice["date"] <= end] line = Line() if vopts is None: vopts = line_opts line.set_global_opts(**vopts) line.add_xaxis([ for d in list(]) for fund in self.fundobjs: line.add_yaxis(, y_axis=list(partprice[fund.code]), is_symbol_show=False, ) if rendered: return line.render_notebook() else: return line
[docs] def correlation_table(self, end=yesterdayobj()): """ give the correlation coefficient amongst referenced funds and indexes :param end: string or object of date, the end date of the line :returns: pandas DataFrame, with correlation coefficient as elements """ partprice = self.totprice[self.totprice["date"] <= end] covtable = partprice.iloc[:, 1:].pct_change().corr() return covtable
[docs] def v_correlation(self, end=yesterdayobj(), vopts=None, rendered=True): """ 各基金净值的相关程度热力图可视化 :param end: string or object of date, the end date of the line :returns: pyecharts.charts.Heatmap.render_notebook object """ ctable = self.correlation_table(end) x_axis = list(ctable.columns) data = [ [i, j, ctable.iloc[i, j]] for i in range(len(ctable)) for j in range(len(ctable)) ] heatmap = HeatMap() heatmap.add_xaxis(x_axis) heatmap.add_yaxis(series_name="相关性", yaxis_data=x_axis, value=data) if vopts is None: vopts = heatmap_opts heatmap.set_global_opts(**vopts) if rendered: return heatmap.render_notebook() else: return heatmap